Fatboi Turns the Corner

Great news from Fatboi. 4 Paws 1 Heart was so happy help this handsome guy. ~ diana

fatboi8:19:15“Fatboi here…. BOY DO I FEEL BETTER!!! Thank you everyone who supported me when I was sick. I was feeling really bad…. who knew you could have a kidney infection, ear infection, an upset stomach and get the start of arthritis all at the same time!!!! My mom put my normal hard food down today, and i scarfed that right up!!! That smooshy prescription food was easy on my stomach, but I missed my big bowls of my normal food. Mom says it looks like I feel so much better, she might throw the ball for me a few times WHOOHOO I LOVE MY BALL!!! Or maybe I can smooch up to her and she will take me for a small walk…hehe. I have been so bored getting better. Im going to bug her now cause I wanna GO PLAY! !! Over and out Facebook Familly…. xoxo Fatboi”

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