Gandolf – A Serious Sinus Infection Caused Bleeding

1/2/18 – gandolf 1:2:18I not only share these posts so that our supporters know where their donations go but to also educate on some of the unusual medical conditions welcome across. We are so happy for our boy, Gandolf, – diana

“Update on my big boy Gandalf the Grey! Great News!!! His teeth are all good, got a good cleaning, nails trimmed, and he was good to go! No extractions!!!! It appears his sinus infection was so bad that it disguised his teeth to look bad under all that gunk he was dealing with. Believe me that infection was horrendous. Even his ears had blood in them, however, it is all cleared up and my big boy is home and had his first meal for the day. On another note….ran into Denise Najera, Michelle and Rosie Roo! And…..many many thanks to Diana Rascano and 4Paws1Heart for all their medical backing for all of us fosters and all the animals in need of medical care. Without you, we could not save those that we do.-Patricia”

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