Ruby was surrendered by her owners after she broke her leg running down the stairs. Gina fostered her for a while and brought her every where she went. Ruby even met Gordon Shell and had a ‘photo session’ with him. Here she is with her buddy, Lola. ~ diana 6/26/13
Monthly Archives: June 2013
Meet Domino
Diezel had an injury to his rear leg
6/25/13 He had an injury to his rear leg. A Pit Bull Mix and 4 Paws 1 Heart fixed him up. His foster mom (Julie) decided to adopt him and he is here cuddling with Julie’s grandson on the couch. Our good friends from Misfit Angels took him under their wing to help us with placement into a forever home. ~ diana
R.I.P. Kip
6/24/13 – We are thankful for all of the hardworking and caring rescue organizations who continue to respond to calls for help, search the streets, and attempt to educate animal owners on the proper care of dogs and cats. This is Kip who, unfortunately, had to be humanely euthanized because of Parvo. He was rescued with two siblings who are doing better and are in the hospital. We’re sending medical dollars with prayers to help Fetch Dog Rescue. ~ diana
Stella’s Happy Ending Update
HAPPY ENDING UPDATE: Last week we reported on a sweet girl who was rescued by a caring Detroit Police Officer. The Officer contacted Gina and 4 Paws 1 Heart took her in, paid for her vetting and then put out a call for help. Fortunately, Kathryn, a face book friend contacted us and matched the little orphan with her friend, Lizzy. Our little girl, now named Stella, has a fur brother and a beautiful, loving forever home. ~ diana
Big Thank You To Jo!
Petunia found in some bushes in Detroit
6/23/13 Once again we are happy to be able to help our rescue friends in their efforts. This is Petunia who was rescued by Home Fur-Ever; medical dollars have been sent her way with much love. ~ diana
Petunia (4 photos)
Our wonderful friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart are once again donating funds to one of the dogs of HFE. Please take a minute to go to their page and like it and tell them HFE sent you. This is Petunia. She was found in some bushes in Detroit in early May. She had to be anestized because she was so matted and she had terrible dermatitis that had caused her skin to develop Elephant skin, which is a toughening and thickening of the skin from severe allergies. She had it all over her neck, one ear, her back thigh and down her leg and all four paws She had two huge mammary tumors removed, as well as a chain of smaller tumors from her other nipples. She lost six out of her nine nipples. She was also spayed and had her ears flushed. She had 43 staples from her mid chest down to her groin. Petunia is recovering nicely in her foster home and her foster mom is very smitten with her. Thanks again 4 Paws 1 Heart for your continued support!~HFE
Nino Needs to Find His Forever Home
Liam Needs a Forever Home
Cats & Kittens Saved in House Fire
“On June 22, 2013 a fire occurred in a mobile home located in a Chesterfield Township mobile home park. The destroyed home belonged to a woman who was housing seven adult cats and 9 kittens. When the firefighters arrived they found two dead female cats lying on top of their kittens, obviously trying to protect them from the fire. The kittens were all alive but in dire condition. Another adult cat perished in this fire as well. The four adult cats who survived, as well as the nine kittens, were taken to Advanced Animal Emergency Hospital in Clinton Township where they were all treated for smoke inhalation. They were all kept on oxygen overnight and into the next day. Amanda, the hospital manager reached out to Gina of 4 Paws 1 Heart for help in contacting rescues who might be able to take in the animals. Michelle, from A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue, immediately stepped up and went to the hospital. Another call for help was immediately put out to the rescue community. A total of thirteen cats needed to be placed; nine of them kittens who required bottle feeding. Four of the kittens were about 2 weeks old, and the other five kittens were days old and in critical condition. Two of the days-old kittens also had burns and needed to be transported to the Oakland Veterinary Referral Service hospital for more specialized care.
Five rescue organizations came together that day to provide homes and care for theses cats. The rescues are: A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue, Futures for Felines, Feline Friends, Paws For A Cause Feral Cat Rescue, and New Beginnings Animal Rescue. Advanced Animal Emergency Hospital generously donated their services and an “Animal Angel” paid the hospital bill for the two kittens who are now doing well and are with a rescue. All of the animals were surrendered by the owner.