We would be remiss to not mention all of our supporters who continue to come out to our fundraisers and help us raise money for the abandoned and abused. We had about 150 people join us for our bowling event and mere words cannot begin to express our appreciation. Without donations and fundraisers we couldn’t do what we do. There are so many cases of abuse and animals with serious issues from physical to neurological but we believe that every living being deserves a chance. We will be reporting on our upcoming events and hope that we have an event that you will find interesting. This week I am sending checks to veterinarians to assist our rescue partners and while I’m doing that, I continue to get calls from individuals needing our help. We believe it is very important to make sure our donors know where their money goes, so stay tuned for the stories. Also, I want to again thank the many companies who provide us with gift cards, event tickets, and great baskets. May God Bless All of You and together we will do everything we can to make a difference. ~ diana