8/18/22 – Today is our 12th Anniversary and Muffins’ continuing journey is just one of thousands of challenges we have faced over the past 12 years. Only with your donations can we give these orphans a second chance. – diana. P.O. Box 84 St Clair Shores, MI 48080

Happy 12 th anniversary to an organization I’m blessed to call home. 4 paws 1 heart brings balance to my life in such a rewarding way. We are able to give so many animals a 2nd chance at a wonderful happy loving life. The updates and the difference we have made makes my heart full. I’m grateful for all of the doctors, staff, supporters, family, friends, and board members for everything you do to complete us. It takes a village. There are challenging cases all the time and Diana works endlessly on 4 paws 1 heart. Thank you Diana for all you do every single day.. Have a wonderful day everyone

Update: 8/17/22 Six weeks of medication every single day, nebulizing with saline in a chamber 1 to 3 times a day, 3 different oral liquid antibiotics, wiping her nose every hour all day every day, 3 different kinds of eye medication, several trials of food until finding the perfect one for a kitten who couldn’t smell, a horrible ear infection treated with a topical, and FINALLY an answer to how to cure this. Muffins tested positive for Mycoplasma on pcr 4 weeks ago but despite treatment her nasal discharge wasn’t any better. Last Friday I sedated her to culture her nasal discharge again, flush her snot, run bloodwork, x rays of her sinuses and chest, fungal culture and yesterday part of her test came in. She has a bacteria called “Proteus Mirabilis” in her nose and it is treated with an antibiotic called Zeniquin. It runs $120 for a script. It was ordered today and she will hopefully be better after the treatment. This has been extremely stressful to not have answers and watch her struggle to breath. I’m very relieved at this point and I’m praying for this to go away. Thank you to everyone involved and especially 4 paws 1 heart for paying for her care Bambi Pesti Hartter and her friend for donating toys, food, and supplies. Lindsey Bate for meeting wth me today and donating a few pills to get her started right away, and we still have a long way to go with basic veterinary care, vaccines, spaying, etc. But for now if she can recover from this I’d be ecstatic! -Gina


8/17/22 – One more day before our 12th Anniversary and the serious cases keep coming. This is Aaron. It was late June when he was literally dumped on the porch of a rescue friend who we’ve helped with many cat cases. The person ‘dumping’ was actually caught on camera. The little guy was about 3 months old and appeared to have a hernia and it also looked like his tail had been slammed in a door in that it was crooked.

We arranged for him to be seen by one of our partner vets. The hernia was confirmed but Aaron was also found to have a heart murmur and suggested he be seen by a cardiologist before having any surgery. We then approved his cardiology visit which was done on July 27. There it was found that Aaron has an abnormal muscular ridge in the middle of his right ventricle which increases the resistance to blood flow through the right side of his heart. The doctor recommended treating Aaron with a beta-blocker to reduce the resistance to blood flow and believed that Aaron was able to be anesthetized.

On August 13, Aaron had his hernia and neuter surgery with one of the best vets in our community, Dr. Zalac, and he came through with “flying colors”. His foster mom tells me that he is now on his daily meds and acting “like the wild child that he is”.

Never think that your donations don’t make a difference. These little lives would never go on without our supporters. – diana.

Thank you for taking care of Aaron. Although at first I was angry he was dumped on my porch, I truly believe God knew what he was doing, as thanks to 4Paws1Heart he has a fighting chance to live a good life however long that might be. Had he been dumped anywhere else I shudder to think what would have become of him. Please donate to help other Aaron’s.- Patricia


8/16/22 – And we continue to lead in to our 12th Anniversary of changing the lives of orphans and those amazing people who save them. Besides the many serious cases which we are currently handling, we have taken on the medical care for TNR projects. Here are some of the cats and kittens found in a mobile home park and some on a golf course which was looking for help. I once again want to thank All About Animals Rescue, Comfort’s Place, and the Humane Society of St. Clair Clair because without them we could not afford to assist the thousands of cats tnr’d in the past 12 years. Fuzzy, Old Gray, Mama, Red, Sammy, were found in a mobile home park where there are some 20 cats needing tnr. Twin Lakes 1, 2, and 3 were just taken in with about another 17 more to catch.

Just think, if everyone who ‘liked’ our posts gave a donation of $5 each, we could ‘rule the world’. Just kidding — but you can imagine the good we could continue to do. Thank YOU in advance.- diana.


8/15/22 – Please help us celebrate 12 YEARS of making a difference in the lives of over 10,000 cat, dogs, and one alleged ‘pygmy’ goat — not to mention the thousands of cats and dogs never born because every animal we touch is spayed/neutered.

On August 18, 2010 we became a 501c3 non-profit with a mission to “REDUCE THE NUMBER OF UNWANTED ANIMALS BY FUNDING THE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF ABANDONED, STRAY, AND ABUSED ANIMALS’. And, $1,547,267 later we are very proud of not only our accomplishments but the relationships we have built with so many amazing rescuers, veterinary staffs, and veterinary doctors.

This past two years have been more challenging than any in the ten years before. But, we have also been blessed with amazing supporters who have generously donated so we never had to say NO. Even with some of the most difficult cases.

This is Wilder. He is another beautiful baby rescued with a litter of 6. We assisted with the spay/neuter and vaccinating for the entire litter but not long after, Wilder started showing signs of being ill. I will post more details later as to his symptoms but after tests, Wilder was diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) which, without the application of currently experimental drugs, is deadly.

And, back to our Anniversary. In honor of the many animals, like Wilder, who we are helping with the expensive experimental program and in memory of the many animals who passed before we could help, I am asking for your donations, no matter how big or how small, to partner in our mission. Please remember that 100% of your donations go directly to medical funding. All additional costs to operate our organization is paid by our Board members.

Thank You in advance – Diana and the 4 Paws 1 Heart Board of Directors


UPDATE – Panda is actually with her new family and is doing great. Everyone is already in love with him and Panda just realized he loves the smell of coffee. Panda will be going back to the doctor next Friday as I mentioned and I will update everyone at that time.- diana.

8/13/22 – Panda’s neuter and eye removal surgery was successful yesterday and his foster mom tells me that he is doing good. Foster mom will be visiting with his potential new family today and if all goes well he will go to his home next week after his follow-up vet visit. The doctor will be checking the surgery as well as his other eye to see if there have been any changes and to determine whether is second eye needs removal. Keep Panda in your prayers. – diana

My 1 eye beauty Silvester (4 Paws 1 Heart paid for the removal of her eye) sends positive vibes to Panda. – Danielle

Honey sends lots of prayers your way. He thinks 4 PawS 1 Heart are the greatest! His eye removal was just completed all thanks to them! – Melissa


Update on little Muffins. Still in need of prayers for answers and healing. She is such a fighter and I just want her to get over the hump and on to a healthy future.

Little Muffins went through so much today.. She had chest x ray, a nasal flush, culture swabs, bloodwork, ear cytology, fecal sent out, and an oral exam all had to be done under anesthesia. As you can hear she is still having congestion and her nasal discharge was not better despite 6 weeks on 3 different antibiotics. It’s so frustrating to not know why, but I’m hoping there will be some answers soon. Fortunately this little girl is in good spirits and still eating well. – Gina


8/12/22 – Prayers for Panda. Our sweet boy, who will eventually need both eyes removed, is having one eye removed today along with his neuter. We have found his furever home after researching many applications. He will have two moms (one who works from home) and two siblings — a feline and a canine. Other than Panda’s eye issues he has been doing good and even tried getting frisky with one of his friends at his foster mom’s home. We will keep our friends informed. – diana.


8/11/22 – Look at Waffles eat real food and not having to depend on a feeding tube. A village and an amazing team of dedicated professionals led by our friend, Courtney Chisholm have given this sweetheart a second chance at life. – diana.

This is what it is all about ! I encourage everyone to watch Waffles first bit of food !!!!! (Kali’s gasp of air completes this) WE SAVED THE WAFFLES!!!! -Courtney


Yeah for Waffles!!! – diana

After a few minor complications, our girl is in the clear. She ate a very SMALL amount this morning on her own. Now we will continue to train her esophagus until she is completely able to eat through her mouth. I will be picking her up at 4:00p.m. today and I am so excited to squeeze my girl The continued love and support for Waffles through this entire journey has blown my mind. Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers. I will update everyone later when she is home. -Courtney


8/10/22 – On July 12 a 4p1h friend and her friend trapped an injured cat they called Honey and her, friend Sweet Potato, who had been by her side for days. They went in the trap together. Honey had a visible puncture wound on right side of her back; her left eye was there, but something was not right with it and she was extremely emaciated. Melissa, the finder, contacted us for help. Both cats were seen within the day at one of our vets where they were treated for immediate needs. It turned out that Sweet Potato also had a wound on her back. The wounds were treated and both were give vaccines as appropriate for their conditions. A later appointment was made for Honey with one of our partner veterinary hospitals, Patterson Veterinary Hospital, to determine the issue with her eye. The vet determined that there was an eye but it, unfortunately, needed removal. Honey is having that done today and I am asking for your prayers for this very sweet cat who would love your love and attention. If you are interested in adopting either (or both buddies), please contact Melissa at: [email protected] – diana.