7/8/22 – Leiomy Update – Leiomy was found on the Lodge Freeway in Detroit with no identifying tags or licenses. We posted about her on June 27. Yesterday, she was seen at Comforts Place and, unfortunately, she was found positive for heart worm. We will be covering her treatment and we are thankful to her rescuers for being committed to her recovery. Please remember this very sweet girl in your prayers. Only with the support of our friends can we continue to cover these very expensive medical needs for our fur orphans. – diana.



7/7/22 – An update on little Muffin from Gina. Thank you Gina and Moore’s Veterinary Hospital, St. Clair Shores, for being there for this baby!! Please continue prayers for her full recovery- diana.

Quick update on Muffins. Well, she has had me on my toes for sure!!! I’m happy to report as of now she is on the up. I had her on IV fluids all day along with all the other meds and she seems to be much more stable than this morning. She is on a LOT of stuff but all very necessary.. I’ll post again soon, but I just wanna say that I’m so grateful for Moore Veterinary Hospital who is taking care of her and I feel so blessed that she is showing improvement. Now, she is back at home with me for the weekend where I will continue her round the clock care. Paws crossed and thank I for prayers!



7/7/22 – prayers please

Update – My foster kitten isn’t doing so well this morning. I have her hospitalized on IV fluids. She stopped eating, lethargic, cold, dehydrated, and tons of diarrhea. She’s on an IV for fluids along with everything else. Paws crossed please! I’m going to call her Muffin because she’s always making muffins with her paws.- Gina



7/7/22 – And now for some happy outcomes. This is Pipsqueak. A woman who works at a veterinary clinic contacted me and said that a little kitten had been dropped off in their parking lot and she took the kitten in. Unfortunately, it turned out that the kitten had a condition called ‘anal atresia’ which is the “congenital absence of an anal opening”. This wonderful woman, Kim, had already invested a great deal of money hospitalizing Pipsqueak only to find out that she needed specialty surgery which could only be done at Michigan State University. That is when we were contacted. I offered to cover the consultation fee at Michigan State while more funds could be raised for the final surgery. Kim said they 4 Paws 1 Heart was the only rescue who responded to her call out for help. Now, just to clarify, this condition results in a child, cat, and/or dog being unable to release their feces. In a simple way, I understood it to mean there is an absence of an anus. So, Michigan State saw Pipsqueak and surgery was scheduled and we again helped with the surgery, along with some. Pipsqueak’s surgery, which basically entailed building an anus, was completed with 3 surgeons performing the surgery. After the surgery, Kim called and advised that it was successful and along with building an anus, this poor baby was found to have a great deal of hard rock feces in her little body which was also removed. On June 28, Kim updated me and said that Pipsqueak was doing great, playing like a kitten and moving her bowels normally. Hopefully, Kim will keep in touch as Pipsqueak continues to recover and grow. Here is Pipsqueak’s before and after photos. – diana.



7/7/22 – Lastly, I learned today that Dig Dug was allowed to cross the rainbow bridge after a battle with a neurological disease. Here is Dig Dug’s original story:

“This is about Dig Dug.–This sweet guy was running scared in July, 2013. After one hour of being chased, the only way to get him out of danger, as cars were weaving around him, was for the police to taser him. Some good people, who had been leaving church, witnessed the incident and agreed to take in the dog and find help. Although the couple rescued mastiffs, they couldn’t use their rescue’s dollars to help this guy and called out to other rescues for financial help. Fortunately, they were referred to us and we were happy to help. The good news was that the tasering did not result in any permanent damage and all he needed was an exam, vaccinations, and neutering.

The Happy Update: Dig Dug was eventually adopted by the daughter of the woman who referred the rescuers to us. The daughter and I have continued to stay in touch and here is Dig Dug’s transformation and his most recent photo of being in a motel on his way to Colorado for a vacation with the family. Happy New Year to Dig Dug and the Wolf family. – Diana”

And, here is our friend and Dig Dug’s mom, Amber Wolf’s post from yesterday:

“He told us he was ready to go meet his crew at the bridge. A bitter sweet end. Sweetest most loyal sidekick to ever walk this planet! The last of our OG’s. Thank you for choosing us to be your family. You did a great job being the decoy dog to all the fosters, and a great companion to our family. We had another fantastic day with you, laughing til the very end. Grateful to the badass tech and Dr. that took care of you today. We finally got to witness you at peace and comfortable. Thank you bubby for giving us the best years. Rest easy now Dig Dug you will be missed 💔

Dig Dug, you were much loved and I remember that day when I got the call to help. Have fun with all of your buddies who went before you. Hugs. – diana.

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” – M.K. Clinton



7/7/22 – RIP Rocky. We didn’t know him well. He was a 10-week old hound mix surrendered to a person who we’ve helped in the past with rescues. He was very sick and we were asked if we could cover a medical visit. Unfortunately, this was happening during the 4th of July weekend and the rescuer and dog were in a location where we don’t have any partner veterinary clinics. Rocky was eventually able to get into an emergency vet in the area and without getting into details, the doctor and some of the staff were less than helpful although they were able to rule out parvo at a ridiculous cost and were very unclear as to what to do next. Rocky was taken home and soon after he died in the rescuer’s arms. Although his life was short, I think he knew love at the very end. – diana.



7/7/22 – First let me apologize if I’m starting your day with sad news but as anyone who has followed us over the years knows, I strongly believe that no living human or animal should ever leave this earth without be remembered. This past week has been a tough one for our rescuers who gave so much love to those who had no one. I will start with Quinn.

Quinn was one of some 40 cats who had showed up or had been dumped at a house where a very kind man was trying to care for them. Jessica, who contacted us, and her husband discovered the situation and contacted us for help with spay/neuter, vaccines, upper respiratory infections. One of those babies was Quinn. He was about 6 months old and had serious GI issues with diarrhea and vomiting. It appeared that his “rectum kept going in and out”. Unfortunately, the original caretaker never realized that this poor boy had constant diarrhea. After visits and medications while working with one of our favorite clinics, Comfort’s Place, the doctor determined that Quinn should have surgery because his rectum constantly went in and out with every bowel movement. The ‘purse string’ surgery was done June 23 and Quinn appeared to be doing well. But, on July 5, Jessica got up to feed the foster kittens ,as well as Quinn with his soft food diet, and she found that Quinn had passed away during the night. We don’t know what happened but Jessica felt that the chronic diarrhea and vomiting plus whatever was initially causing the GI distress was just too much for his frail, little body.

REST IN PEACE sweet Quinn. May you be enjoying your afterlife without pain. – Diana.



7/7/22- Update on our still unnamed fighter. Gina is truly an animal Angel!!-diana

Update 7/6/22 9pm – It’s unbelievable what 24 hours of aggressive care can do. She is on a lot of meds but this is wonderful!!!! I could still use name suggestions please, and if u would like to donate towards her care our website is www.4paws1heart.org Thank u! Update – Turns out this is a female.



7/6/22 – An update from our 7/5/22 post regarding Oliver and Rouge. Oliver has been adopted and is doing great in his new home. (Yeah!). And, this morning I received this update on Rouge:

“This was what he (Rouge) was doing last night while fireworks were going off. We were listening to the air conditioner and classical music at 3/4 volume. This would surely have been different had you not helped me rescue him off the street. – Heather”

