Buddy – RIP Sweet Boy

2/7/19 – RIP Sweet Buddy. This morning we woke up to crushing news, Buddy died. On Wednesday morning Buddy was taken to the Animal Neurology Center where he was found to be anemic and dehydrates. He was put on fluids and x rayed where it was found that he had a herniated disc that may have resulted from an old injury, such as being hit by a car. His knee was also swollen and in chronic pain. The doctor thought rehabilitation and steroid management may be the next steps but wanted Buddy to have a CT Scan and MRI which was to be done this morning. He was resting comfortably in the hospital until early this morning when he started vomiting, panting, and breathing heavily. An ultra sound was done and it was found that Buddy had significant fluid in the abdomen which appeared toxic. Gastric perforation or another cause of septic abdomen was suspected; possibly the high doses of prednisone. Buddy was such a sweet boy that all of our hearts are breaking with the news. Our only comfort is that Buddy died knowing love and care and wasn’t alone on the streets to be prey for others while he laid there unable to move. A huge thanks to all of those who tried so hard to save this boy. ~ diana
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Buddy – Found on the Street, Unable to Walk

2/5/19 – Buddy’s story as posted by our rescue friend, Gail.
“Meet Buddy! He was found laying outside unable to walk. A friend took him in and contacted me to see if 4 Paws 1 Heart could help. Of course they said yes! Per Diana’s instructions, I took Buddy to the emergency vet yesterday and he has a ruptured disk and the space between his vertebrae is very narrow. He needs to be on crate rest for at least 2 weeks with anti inflammatory medicine and pain pills. This is only the beginning for Buddy’s recovery. I will be fostering Buddy and hopefully he will heal enough to be able to walk on his own. The tests and over night stay was very expensive and if you could find it in your heart, to help me help 4 Paws 1 Heart! 4 Paws helps the abused and abandoned animals and rely on donations so they can help animals like Buddy! Please, donate if you can, any little bit helps and please share this post so we can help more animals in need. Any and all donations go straight to 4 Paws 1 Heart! – Gail”

What isn’t mentioned is that Buddy also has some serious skin issues. We are going to give this sweet boy, who was probably in the severe freezing temperatures, an opportunity to decompress and then he will see one of our favorite doctors at Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp. Every vet I have talked with in the emergency hospital has told me how sweet our big boy (over 80 lbs.) is. A huge thanks to Gail, her son, and her son’s friend who rescued Buddy. And please pray that Buddy will heal. If surgery is required, the cost could be beyond our ability. ~ diana

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Trixie – Found With a Broken Pelvis – UPDATE

trixie 2:4:192/4/19 – Trixie Update. Please share and keep her in your prayers. ~ diana

?CHANCE: Shhhh! Be careful, whisper…we dont want to wake up Trixie!
Sooo, Trixie is home. She was sent home with careful instructions on how to help her potty, Appetite Stimulant becuse she hasn’t really eaten anything much at the hospital but a wee bit of baby food. Pills for inflammation & serious pain meds. So when mom brought her home she let her snuggle into her crate and rest for a bit. Oliver went and said a brief hello, Bridgette settled herself into the visitors chair next to Trixies crate, ever the house nurse that Bridgette. I went down also and gave a reassuring meow and made sure Trixie has everything she needs. She says she loves her crate and especially her new ortho bed.
After a nice rest from the trip home, mom decided to try a bit of food warmed up before syringe feeding her. She ate the whole bowl of food!!! Yay Trixie!!! Then a little while ago when mom went to express her bladder, Trixie scooted herself right in her box and peed a wee bit all on her own, yay Trixie!!! Mom did have to help with her poo, but woweeee!!! Trixie has the heart of a lioness and she is a real fighter!!!
She will see Dr. Z tomorrow morning bright & early, and we will know more then ❤”

Morky and Micky – Rescued from a Cat Community

2/4/19 – Morky and Micky. Such beautiful cats. Paws crossed that Joanne is able to socialize these cuties so they can be forever loved in a nice warm home. ~ diana

“Here are Morky and Micky – 2 feral cats that have been trapped and neutered with the gracious help of 4Paws1Heart. The cats are approximately 6 months old and very active and enjoying access to toys and unlimited food. Micky (the one with the messy fur) is not developing as fast as his brother and I am not certain he knows how to properly groom himself thus resulting in matted/messy fur. Unfortunately, they are struggling with human contact, but I have not given up hope that they can become permanent indoor cats. The cats have already been away from their outdoor cat friends for weeks and due to their size and over-all personalities may not thrive or survive outdoors. The cats are bonded and cannot be separated without causing great anxiety and fear. My plan is to continue to work with the cats and ultimately find them a new home. I have already added one more cat from the cat community to my indoor cat collection after she refused to leave. Her fear of everything is so severe that she could not survive outdoors. The cat community has another 4-6 cats that visit on a regular basis and 3 or 4 neighborhood cats that stop by for a snack. With the financial assistance from 4P1H, the feral cats will be trapped and fixed to prevent the community from growing!!- Joanne”morky and micky

Trixie – Found on the Street with a Broken Pelvis

2/3/19 – The support of small businesses like Knotted Needle allows us to take on severe cases like Trixie. Gina DeLuca, Darlene Pennefather, and I met so many great women today who care about animals. Plus WDIV was there to film a story which will be aired at 8:00 pm in March. Of course, we will let you know more about Trixie when Denise gets her tomorrow and about our show. It truly takes a village. – diana

“A huge THANK YOU to Denise Najera for stepping up to foster this girl and 4 Paws 1 Heart for covering her medical care and taking her in!!!
Also, we finally received a photo from the vet. Here is the very lucky girl! Denise is naming her Trixie.trixie 2:3:19 51059229_10219389095903532_8409279703365451776_n 51395114_10219389096463546_1363797891964993536_o
Very late Thursday night a citizen dropped off a cat at City of Warren Animal Control. Friday morning when our ACOs came into work they quickly realized something was wrong. She was laying in her blanket, crying loudly and unable to stand. She was immediately rushed to an ER vet for care.
Initially her body temperature was incredibly low, and she appeared to be blind. Today after finally having her temperature come back to normal, some of her vision has returned and she is responding to visual stimuli. However, it was also discovered that she has a fractured pelvis.
We suspect she was hit by a car and then dragged herself to the citizen’s yard, before almost freezing to death in this awful cold we’ve had all week. Thankfully she was found and brought to our police station.
As for her injuries; while the vet believes two of the fractures will heal on their own, the third they feel will require surgery and pins.
Currently she is on a strong dose of pain meds, she is getting round the clock care, and for the most part now seems stable. Though at this time requires some help expressing her bladder. However, the level of care she will need is something that will likely require an orthopedic surgeon.
If your rescue has the ability to take this girl in, please let us know ASAP. Warren Animal Control has gone above and beyond to make sure she received care and was stabilized, but now we really need help from our rescue partners to save this girl.
*We did not have an opportunity to get a photo of her, so in place of a photo, these are her x-rays.*
Please share and help us find a rescue for her!

Dyson – A Polydactyl Kitty, and Total Lap Cat – Looking for His Forever Home

dyson 2:3:19 dyson--2:3:192/3/19 – So many beautiful and innocent animals needing our help.CHANCE: Awwwww, look at this sweet boy Dyson Team!
CHANCE: “This is Auntie Marilyn’s foster boy found as a stray and after posting on multiple sites nobody has claimed him. He’s one of those Polydactyl kitties with them big 6 toed paws! Auntie Marilyn says hes a total lap cat, just wants to be near you all the time. He will soon be vetted thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart and ready for adoption. Awww, we love you Dyson
Dyson is located in Clinton Township. If you’re interested in adopting Dyson please contact mom at [email protected]
Thank you”

Carla – UPDATE

2/2/19 – Carla was rescued from a high kill shelter. Her back legs were paralyzed and she was scheduled to be euthanized. She has since been receiving therapy with Dr. Tari Kern of Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine. Please read about Carla’s journey on our website. Without our supporters, none of this could happen. – diana

“CARLA: Breaking news!!!! Guess who pooped in the litter all by herself???? Yep, me!!! Ummm, you notice I did say litter, not litter box. Soooo, I was having a hard time getting in the box so I decided to just dump it on its side! Then I spread the litter all over the floor, crawled into the middle of it all and pooped!!!! And then like a good girl should….of course I covered it!!!
Brilliant right??? You said it was time I started pottying on my own…you’re welcome mom!!!
Mom? After you finish cleaning up all that mess could you please get all this litter off my tail & butt???? Thanks mom!!!!
Ahhh, feeling pretty accomplished!!! Sweet dreams Team Chance, we’ll see you all tomorrow!!! Love Carla”carla 2:1:19

Thorin – Back to the Doctor for More Tests as He Continues to Lose Weight

2/1/19 – Please pray for Thorin. We will do what we can to figure out why he eats well but continues to lose weight. He’s been through so very much. ~ diana

“Update on Thorin. Blood work will not be in until Mon-Tues, however Dr. Wilson did do general exam. No fluids on stomach, so can rule out wet FIP for now. However an ultrasound did show what could be a small growth on his upper intestines. He has lost another pound since November, which is what really concerns me. On that note, the possible growth, I have decided that if it comes down to it, I will not do any extra measures…surgery/chemo to try to extend his life. He is too fragile, has FIV, and his immune system is already compromised extensively and I won’t put him through that. If the blood works leaves us with a solution to his weight, great. Then I will proceed with whatever is necessary. In the meantime, he is warm and gets all the love he wants. Thanks for all the prayers, will update when I here from Dr. Wilson early in the week.

Please say a prayer for my sweet boy Thorin. He has had issues with Glaucoma in one eye and FIV. Although the glaucoma is under control he is loosing weight substancially. He will be undergoing tests tomorrow thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart to find the cause. He is 9-10 years old now and had a rough life before I rescued him. He was adopted at one time and came back to Thorin thorin 1:31:19me. I pray I don’t have to say goodbye to him. He is just the sweetest boy. – Patricia”

Alley – Update – After Both Eyes Had to be Removed, She is Doing Great and Had a Photo Shoot

1/31/19 – My heart swells with this update. ~ diana

“Remember our sweet Alley who is feline leukemia positive and needed her eyes removed? She’s all healed up and her fur has mostly grown back in. So, of course this calls for some studio time!

Thank you to all who donated for our gorgeous girl. She is MUCH happier and feeling better without the pain from her eyes. She’s making her way around the house without any trouble, and she even plays now. An extra special thank you goes to Diana Rascano and 4 Paws 1 Heart for covering Alley’s surgery. We are so grateful for all of the help. Alley has a wonderful life now because of the amazing people in our lives! – Foster Mom Emily”alley 2:8:19

Rick – He Was Probably a Pet at One Time But Somehow Found His Way to an Auto Repair Shop

1/31/19 – Rick was rescued while hanging out at a car repair shop. The poor little guy was probably a pet at one time in his life but somehow found his way into an area of motor oil and car repairs. 4 Paws 1 Heart is thankful for the contact made by the employees and for being able to pay for his medical bills but now Rick needs a foster/forever home. Please share. Rick, like so many others, deserves some love. ~ diana

“Hey everybody! Searching for a foster or adopter for this little felv positive guy. He was rescued just before the the weather turned bad by some awesome, caring guys at an auto yard. His name is Rick and we’re pretty sure he’s deaf. 4 Paws 1 Heart is backing his medical and he’s been neutered & has recieved his shots. He’s a sweet, shy boy who allows petting and just needs some time to warm up to you. He would really benefit from someone who’s home at least several hrs a day to give him that one on one time. He would also benefit from having another felv furiend or a small, friendly dog. Rick is approx 7-8 yrs old. His bloodwork actually looks pretty good so he likely has not been felv+ for long. Life has not been kind to Rick & he deserves a loving home to spend his last years being loved & pampered. If you think you might be the person for Rick please contact me at 586-909-2663.
Rick is a special guy, who just needs a special person. – Denise:Rick 1:21:19 rick 2:1:19