Girlie Girl Salon and Boutique – Thank YOU

12/2/18 – Mere words aren’t enough to thank the many businesses who have consistently supported 4 Paws 1 Heart. One of those businesses is Girlie Girl Salon and Boutique in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. Once again they held a winter sale where a portion of their proceeds was donated to 4 Paws 1 Heart. Because of their generosity, 64 cats or 26 dogs will be spayed/neutered thus resulting in hundreds of unwanted cats/dogs from being born to die alone on the streets. Please support our generous business partners who do so much for us. ~ diana

Utica Education Association Staywell Committee – Thank YOU

12/2/18 – A huge thank you to our friends at the Utica Education Association Staywell (UEA) Committee for once again including 4 Paws 1 Heart in their Howl O Ween Hustle. Their support will allow us to spay/neuter 40 cats. When you consider that one female will produce a litter (averaging 5 kittens) three times a year for most of her life, that is 15 kittens a year who will not be born to live and die on the streets. – diana

Callie – Found Severely Dehydrated Requiring a Hospital Stay

callie 12:1:1812/1/18 – This past Wednesday I received the following e-mail:
“So my cousin gave me a kitty she found outside, about a year old I think, super skinny, looks like she has a little road rash on her back legs, and has a limp where she steps on her toes and THEN her actual paw (front left)
SHE does a weird thing where her head shakes almost like she’s shivering but just her head, (I’m afraid it might be neurological) and I can see her heart beat through her chest and it feels and looks really irregular, but
she’s super happy and loving and sweet and is purring, I want to rescue her and turn her life around but i can not afford a bunch of the large vet bills that I am now anticipating with her. She’s seriously the
sweetest cat ever and I’m just heart broken. Her name is Callie and although this is the second night having her, she already has a spot in the family and gets along great with her brother and sister, my other two pups.
Please let me know if you know anybody who can help! – Trevor”

Of course we were the ones to help. Callie saw one of our favorite vets, Dr. Zalac, the following day. Dr. Z ran a number of tests and found Callie to be severely dehydrated to the point where she needs a few days in the hospital receiving fluids. Please keep Callie in your prayers so that she can soon be reunited with her rescue family as a healthy, loving kitty. ~ diana
Double your donation through Tuesday, December 4

Hope – Found With a Prolapsed Rectum Requiring Surgery

11/30/18 – Two weeks ago I received the following request: “My neighbor rescued a little kitten who has a prolapsed rectum. I have started calling her/him hope. Hope is a spunky little thing and was rescued from the cold and brought inside. She likes snuggles and playtime. If you never saw the rectum you would swear she’s perfectly healthy; she eats and drinks food and water normally. She also somehow manages to potty and play throughout the day. My neighbor can’t afford the surgery needed to fix her rectum so we hope that someone can help or bare minimum point us in direction where hope can get the medical care needed.”
4 Paws 1 Heart paid for Hope to be seen by one of our many veterinarians who was able to push back the rectum, although he wasn’t confident it would last. And, he was right — it didn’t last and Hope had to have surgery. She is now doing great and will have her stitches removed this week. Unfortunately, the woman who took responsibility for Hope recently lost her cat and Hope has been there to fill the hole in her heart. ~ diana
Remember that your donations can still be matched up to $2,000 through next Tuesday. Only with your help can we continue to make miracles happen.

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Pumpkin Spice – Update — Surgery Completed

12/3/18 – UPDATE — Pumpkin Spice is back with her rescuer/foster and is doing great. She came through her surgery with flying colors. Anyone interested in adopting Pumpkin Spice, should contact: [email protected]

11/29/18 – Before you fall asleep tonight, please say a prayer for Pumpkin Spice. She will be having FHO (femoral head ostectomy) surgery tomorrow morning. You might remember that Pumpkin Spice was rescued from a cat colony. She is approximately 6 months old and can lay in a human lap for hours. She will be up for adoption upon recovery. I will let everyone know when she is back with her foster day. ~ diana spice w:wynston pumpking spice 11:14:18

Toots – With a Severe Broken Leg, He Wandered Over to the Right House

11/29/18 – We have had more feline eye removals and femur surgeries than I can remember over the last eight years. It truly has been a horrible period for felines over the last few months. This is Toots. He showed up Friday night (11/23/18) on a friend’s front lawn, limping. Our friend took her in and contacted us. He was taken to a vet the next day where it was determined that he had a broken leg. A splint was put on and he was given pain medication. Toots will be seeing one of our other veterinarians this week. It is very likely that he will also need surgery. The rescuer has not been able to find an owner at this time although all sources have been utilized. Toots appears to have been well taken care of so we suspect he either escaped or was thrown out because of her injury.

Your donation can be doubled this week during the $2,000 Giving Tuesday Max Match Campaign. Thank YOU for your support. ~ diana 11:29:18 toots--11:29:18

Binx – Adopted

11/28/18 – binx 10:31:18`` binx10:31:18==One more life saved …..One more second chance…..One more happy ending…

I have some pretty great news about Binx aka Halloween Kitten!
A friend and supporter of 4 Paws 1 heart contacted me last week after she saw my post about him being ready for a forever home.. She came to meet him last Saturday and of course fell in love. He is a special little guy. I’ve had to do bandage changes on his wound since Halloween.. This pic was 2 days ago and it looks beautiful! I feel that he is more than ready to take the next step in his journey and bond with his forever mom. I’ve done my part.. Thank you all for the prayers which totally worked! Don’t forget that during this week of “Giving”, your donations will be matched up to $2,000. We couldn’t make these miracales happen without your support ~ Gina

Venus – Update After Surgery to Remove Her Eye

11/29/18 – UPDATE — Venus had surgery to remove her eye yesterday. Dr. Zalac determined that the surgery was necessary for Venus’ health and comfort. She was also spayed and will be picked up this morning. Her foster mom, Debra B, will be giving us an ‘official update later on. ~ diana

11/28/18 – Prayers for Venus who will be seeing Dr. Zalac this morning. And, although it doesn’t appear so from the photo, her foster reports that her eye is worsening and appearing to sink back more into her head. She has been treated with steroids since she was first found in a cat community and brought into an emergency hospital when we were asked to help. Dr. Zalac will decide whether Venus’ eye can be saved or if she will be healthier and happerier having it removed. Our decisions are always based on what is best for the animal and we take all surgeries very seriously. We will let you know. P.S. Debra B. is fostering Venus and she tells us that Venus is just a sweetheart. If you are interested in her, please contact Debra at: [email protected] . ~ diana
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Mazda and Mustang – Found in a Driveway at Two Weeks Old

11/28/18 – A colleague of one of our Board members reported that he found two one-week old kittens in his driveway. Our Board member picked them up and brought them to our great friend, Debbie N, who has been bottle feeding them for the past 4 weeks. They are now getting ready for their vaccines and then will be spayed/neutered. And then, ready for adoption!! Anyone interested in Mazda and Mustang Sally should contact Debbie at: [email protected] ~ diana

mazda 11:28:18 mustang 11:28:18