Oct 15th 2023

I posted the story about Queso on Oct 4th when he was found in horrible condition and very neglected. 4 Paws 1 Heart covered his medical and his rescuer has given him a warm, safe, loving home. We still have skin issues, neutering, vaccines, and prevention to address, but thanks to your donations we can commit to helping him and give dumped abused animals like Queso a chance. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/14/23 – We are sad to report that due to the overwhelming need over the past few months and the continuous drain on our funds, we must put a temporary hold on future requests for assistance. We will be honoring all commitments and authorizations made prior to this hold. Our goal is to ensure that 4 Paws 1 Heart can continue to meet the needs of the stray and abused animals in our communities by taking a slight breather while all of the current cases are completed and paid for. Our reputation is everything, as is our relationships with our Veterinary hospitals and rescuers. We are currently working on ideas for future successful fundraisers and will soon be making an announcement about an upcoming event with the Detroit Red Wings at the Little Caesar Arena. So, please stay tuned to our page and website for future announcements. – Diana and the 4 Paws 1 Heart Board of Directors. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


He was found roaming the streets with a respiratory infection. His belly was bloated and FIP was suspected so we tested for that, thank God he was negative.. His health was cleared by the doctors and he was recently ready for his big day to get neutered! Cloud is lovable and adorable! If you are interested in a very sweet companion he is in need of a forever home! – Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7:30 PM update. Little Ms Peanut is home. We are loaded with medications and food. We are hopeful that she will make a full recovery. She just needs to eat on her own.

Little Ms Peanut needs your prayers today. She was taken to the one of our partner veterinarians this morning because she was not eating. Her liver values are high, they are keeping her until evening to administer medicine to help her feel better.

If you remember last year October a dear friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart was seriously ill and would not be able to care for her animals. Peanut was the last cat to find a home, I welcomed her with open arms. She has been a joy to have in my home and praying that she makes a full recovery ~ Cynthia P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Check out Chance’s story by searching “Chance” on this website if you are unfamiliar with his amazing journey. He was hours away from being euthanized when a caring volunteer at the municipal shelter reached just the right person—Denise Najera—who later became a member of our Board. A Village came together that day and the rest is history and Chance became the 4 Paws 1 Heart Feline Mascot. – diana

CHANCE: Hey mom, how long ago did I rescue you?

MOM: Well, it’s been close to 9yrs now Chance. Why do you ask?

CHANCE: And I was paralyzed like Carla?

MOM: Yep

CHANCE: And you, Dr. Kern and 4 Paws 1 Heart got me on my feet again?

MOM: Well, yes. 4 Paws 1 Heart and all of their donors that helped with your medical bills. All your friends here at Team Chance that helped with your supplies, and your wheels. Your friends from all over the world that cheered you on and encouraged you every step of the way.

And you Chance. You worked soooo hard to get back on your feet every day, I was so proud of you! I’m still so proud of you!

You still work hard every day to stay on your feet, even with your spine are so determined and you’re the best boy

CHANCE: Awww, thanks mom. I’m so glad

I rescued you

MOM: Me too my boy, me too. Ready to snuggle in?

CHANCE: Yep, ready mom

Sweet dreams Team Chance and please consider making a donation to 4 Paws 1 Heart. There are so many abused, abandoned and homeless animals needing their help so they can go on to rescue their very own human P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

CHANCE: Im so honored to be the 4 Paws 1 Heart feline mascot Auntie Di. I wouldn’t be here without you! Thankyou for saving me, and thank you for all the animals you continue to save every day


10/12/23 – Prayers for Star, a very frightened kitten found July 4 in the midst of fireworks going off. Over the past couple of months Star was taken to the vet for a wellness exam, vaccines as he got older, and finally his neuter and booster vaccine. After having that done the other day, Star got very sick and had a high fever. We were again contacted in that we had just authorized the neuter and booster but the original hospital couldn’t see him. Thankfully, the amazing staff and doctors at Orion Animal Hospital once again pulled through for us and took Star in to see him between patients. Star was found to have swollen lymph nodes; after having a biopsy evaluated, the doctor prescribed a series of antibiotics to be taken over the next few weeks. He is a very sweet boy and we will keep him in our prayers. – diana

Once again — Please also keep all of our veterinary staffs in your prayers and whenever you take in a stray or your own pet, thank them for their undying dedication to our animals and treat them as you would want to be treated. The affects of the pandemic did not end when covid eased up. Hospitals are still in need of doctors, veterinary technicians, and staffs. Their costs continue to go up and the need doesn’t seem to end. We can’t afford to lose them!!! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/12/23 – Journey and Jezebel were rescued by the same rescuer of Brownie and Eddie (see a prior website post), Rebecca. She was again working on a TNR project when she found one cat who had already been neutered but could hardly open an eye, Journey. The other cat needed to be spayed and was having trouble breathing and had mucus around her eye, Jezebel. They both were taken to Orion Animal Hospital where both were treated for infections. Unfortunately, Journey’s eye was in worse condition and if the medications don’t work, he may need to have his eye removed. Jezebel should be better soon with the treatment for an infection. Please remember both in your prayers. Rebecca will be taking them back for their follow up visits and get back to us with an update. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you for sharing them they are wonderful sweet babies. I’m still working on taming Journey, hopefully she will come around more. Jezebel will purr for me and let me hold her longer. – Beck


10/11/23 – On October 5, Robert W. (who had rescued Chico and was helped by 4 paws 1 heart) contacted us about a little dog he had come across while working in the Flint, MI area. Aoife (Eefa) was hiding in the bushes, scared with no collar. Robert brought her a blanket and some water hoping an owner would show up but 6 hours later, Aoife was still hiding in the bushes. Robert went through the neighborhood asking if anyone knew Aoife or an owner but came up with nothing so, like Chico, he brought her home. Beyond fleas and worms, Aoife appeared to be healthy and we authorized her to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital where she already began her regimen before being spayed. Robert truly believes that his companion, Kenya, who has passed away, is guiding these dogs to the safety of Robert who has been successful in finding loving homes for those Kenya has been sending his way. Our communities are truly blessed to have such great people with such a love for animals. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/11/23 – We posted Mocha’s story the other day and wanted to share this update. Today Mocha was taken to All About Animals to get started on her road to wellness. She had her heart worm test, vaccines, and an appointment was made for her spay. Look how happy she is. How can you not love that face? – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/11/23 – Willow’s rescuer just sent over some update photos of the family and there are 5 puppies. What a mom! Here is Willow, Kane, Keene, Winnie, Keegan, and Quinn. If you are interested to adopt anyone when they’re ready, please contact Wendy at: 248–704–4144. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080