11/28/22 – We hope to see many of our friends at our November 30 fundraiser — “Show Me the Money/Gift Cards”. Not too many people are familiar with the game but you’ll enjoy this version where gift cards will be the prizes. The game is easy to learn and fast moving and will be an introduction to the ‘real’ version which is scheduled for February, 2023. Here is the event and a list of the many gift cards available to the winners. See YOU then. If you have any questions, e mail me at: [email protected]


11/28/22 – Thanks, Sweetie for reminding me of Giving Tuesday. We’ve all been so focused on the contests that it slipped my mind. We also have our big fundraiser this Wednesday. I’ll be posting information on the great gift cards people can win. It should be lots of fun and we’re all hoping a lot of our friends come out!! – Auntie Di

A Second Chance For Chance

CHANCE: Hey there Team! So I’ve had a couple messages about tomorrow being Giving Tuesday and what’s going on due to the Detroit News Holiday Cheers for Charity Contest! So I put in a call to Auntie Di and of course she’s very grateful you all are thinking of 4 Paws 1 Heart, she is requesting that you hold your donations until Round 2 of the contest launches on December 2nd – December 16th and the link and instructions are posted. That $20,000.00 prize is dependent on us getting the most donations of the top 5 organizations going into Round 2! So, please set your Giving Tuesday donation aside until then and know how much we appreciate your support! Thankyou


11/27/22 – And this is why—
“Please send me somebody who really does care.
I’m so tired of running and sick with despair.
My body is aching and filled with such pain;
Everyday I hope, as I run in the rain
That someone will love me and give me a home,
A warm cosy bed, and food of my own.
My owner left me alone in the yard…
I watched them move house , and that was so hard.
So I waited a while, then went on my way
To rummage in bins and live as a stray.
But now, I’m so tired and hungry and cold;
And I’m so afraid that I will never grow old.
They’ve chased me with sticks and hit me with straps
While I run the streets just looking for scraps.
I’m not really bad, please help if you can,
For I have become just a “Victim of Man.”
I’m wormy, I’m scruffy, and I’m riddled with fleas;
And all that I want is an owner to please.
If you find one for me, I’ll try to be good.
I won’t scratch the carpet; I’ll do as I should.
I’ll love them, play with them, and try to obey.
I will be so grateful if they’ll let me stay.
I don’t think I’ll make it too long on my own,
‘Cause I’m getting weak and I’m so all alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
I’m so afraid, that I’m gonna die.
I’ve got so much love and devotion to give
I should be given a new chance to Live.
My friends today, this is my prayer ,
That someone will find me, who will really care.
That you will help, get me out of the cold .
And together we can be friends as we grow old.” P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/27/22 – Once again, thank you, for helping us get into Round 2 of the Detroit News Cheer for Charity contest. Round 2 will begin December 2 so look for the launch; the contest will run through December 16. The charity with the most dollars in donations will win $20,000!!

Nova and her new babies are a great example of why your donations are so very important. If it weren’t for her rescuer, this beautiful female would have had her babies while she was chained at an abandoned house. But instead, she had these 9 babies, warm, without rain, being watched over by a caring person. And, 4 Paws 1 Heart will be there for Nova to see she gets her treatment for heart worm and we will also make sure her babies receive their vaccines and eventually spayed/neutered and in homes. Here they are…. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11-26-22 – I thought I’d let our feline mascot, Chance, make the announcement!! Thank you to our many supporters. Now getting ready for the finish line! – diana

A Second Chance For Chance facebook page link

CHANCE: Goooood morning mom…did ya hear hear the news??? 4 Paws 1 Heart came in 1st place in the Holiday Cheers for Charity Contest and we’re going into the 2nd round!!!!

MOM: I sure did buddy, that’s wonderful news!!!

CHANCE: Yep! Now the 2nd round starts December 2nd. Each of the top 5 charities work to see who can get the most monetary donations from the 2nd to the 16th of December! Auntie Di will be sharing the donation link soon and we will be sharing it here Team. The charity who gets the most donations will win $20,000.00!!!!! Not only that but each charity will get those donations that were for their charity so its a win/win for everybody!!!! So stay tuned for the link Team, 2nd round starts December 2nd…I’m soooo excited!!!!



11/25/22 – You only had to vote once and today is your LAST CHANCE !!

Voting ends today and every vote counts. If you’ve seen it in your feed but haven’t taken a minute to click- take 1-2 minutes out of your day to support a local cause and VOTE. Descriptions of their work are listed here a P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/25/22 – VOTING ENDS AT 11:59 A.M. FOR THE Detroit News Cheer for Charity.

In the meantime, this is beautiful Nova. Unbelievably, she was found chained at an abandoned house. Nova was taken to a vet and tested positive for heart worm. Shortly after being rescued her rescuer realized she was also pregnant!. Nova has an appointment with one of our favorite doctors at Orion Animal Hospital this Monday. The concern is Nova’s health in giving birth and determining the severity of her heart worm and learning when she should start being treated. We are praying that we are successful in the contests and that we can replenish our funds so that we can continue to respond to the needs of the many abandoned and abused animals in our communities. – Diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2022 – Happy Thanksgiving from the Board of 4 Paws 1 Heart. We are so very thankful for our village of supporters, rescuers, veterinary staffs, and first responders. Together we have changed the lives of thousands of fur orphans and the families who have opened their hearts to give them loving homes. May all of you have a beautiful day filled with love, good food, and a well deserved nap with your fur baby/babies. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Happy Thanksgiving! I’ll always be grateful for your help in saving Maggie’s life. She is doing so well in her forever home, growing and thriving. She is so very loved – Kellie


11/22/22 – Please continue your prayers for Chance. It seems like only yesterday when the village came together to save this very sweet boy. He was at the Genesee County Shelter. After being neutered, he became paralyzed and then he was out on the schedule to be euthanized. But before that happened a volunteer called out for help and a very kind woman who we had assisted before with rescues contacted us to see us we could help if she took him in. That person was Denise Najera, now the ‘famous’ Foster mom of our boy Chance. Over the years 4 Paws 1 Heart has been committed to Chance’s medical needs. His journey can be followed on our website. And after many years, he again needs our significant help and prayers. Your support makes such a difference in the lives of so many. Thank you!

P. S, don’t forget to vote in the Detroit News Cheer for Charity contest (we are still leading with a goal to get into Round 2) and the First State Banksgiving contest. Both links are clickable on their names preceding and facebook pages following Detroit News contest 4paws1heart facebook page & First State Bank contest 4paws1heart facebook page P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Somebody is sure pooped out!

Hi Team, mom here. I’m sorry about the long wait for the update. Its been a long, hectic day and I was also waiting this evening for the emailed summery of todays visit as its hard to remember everything. So here’s what we know so far….

Today Chance had a full body scan and a urinary ultrasound. His kidneys have mild mineralization, but no obstructive stones or masses. His bladder walls were of normal thickness, but some debris was noted in his urine which may be protein, fat deposits or inflammatory cells. There was also a concern for onset of Diabetes due to his huge increase in thirst, and his glucose level was elevated since last ck. A sample was collected and will be sent off for full culture and urinalysis. The results wont be till next week and that will tell us more.

Particular point of concern a new finding of a lack of proprioception (lack of awareness of where his feet are in space) and his “quick” spinal reflexes. There is also some calcification of his discs.

Dr. Okonkowski has sent Chances scans out for a full radiologist interpretation and evaluation of his abdominal organs including urinary system, chest, limbs, spine and associated bony structures.

Her initial feel is he is having neurological setbacks associated with his original paralysis which is causing all his current urinary and hind weakness issues. We wont know anymore until the tests today come back next week and then we will know next steps. Please continue to keep our SuperHero in your prayers. As soon as I know anything more I will let you know Team. Meanwhile we got some snuggling to do.

Please, please don’t forget to vote for 4 Paws 1 Heart…we are still in the lead and we have to get into the next round to have a chance at winning=lots of more animals helped!!!!

Thank you 4 Paws 1 Hear.t All the special needs furry kids who have come through our doors would never have gotten their Second Chance if not for you and all the wonderful supporters. We have a lot to be thankful for

Chance’s facebook page A Second Chance For Chance