11/14/22 – The $5,000 MATCH IS ON until November 24, 2022. Unfortunately in our quest to raise money and get back to ‘normal’, we have many opportunities for our friends to support the many fur orphans on our streets.

Here are a couple of happy updates to start your Monday lunch hour:

Chloe – It was back in June, 2022 when she was rescued with a very severe upper respiratory infection. Of course, 4p1h covered her medications and eventually her testing, vaccinations, and spay. Chloe was posted on our courtesy Petfinder site and last week she was adopted. This is the photo of her when she was rescued.

Aurora – It was September 2021 when Aurora was found near train tracks on the east side of Detroit. At only about 7-8 weeks she was very scared, emaciated, and dehydrated. All of her basic needs were taken care of but during her stay with a foster she had to have treatment for skin allergies. But, now all is good and Aurora has now been formally adopted and just had her one year birthday party. What a difference love and the support of our friends can make in the lives of people and animals. – diana.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/14/22 – Chance is on his way to the doctor but yet he still makes time to remind everyone to vote. Vote every day through November 25 and if we are lucky enough to move to the next round—well that could be game changing!! – Diana.

Detroit News voting page link (scroll down to 4Paws1Heart)

Holiday Cheer For Charity voting 4Paws1Heart facebook page

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

CHANCE: Goood morning Team! Well, I already had my morning bath Gotta smell good for the ladies ya know! I’m waiting for mom now to get ready for my appointment at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine. I’m going to take advantage of this free time and cast my vote for 4 Paws 1 Heart in the Detroit News “What We Do For Love Contest” Have you made your daily vote yet Team?

A Second Chance For Chance facebook page


11/11/22 – Dear Friends, Just in case you didn’t know, 4 Paws 1 Heart has been in a “Restricted Mode” for helping the fur orphans that need us to survive. The cost of medical treatment, the continued overtaxing of our veterinary clinics (especially the low-cost clinics) and inflation have had a significant impact on our fundraising as well as the health of the animals who are eventually rescued. So, I, along with our Board and a few great volunteers who are also rescuers, have been pulling out all stops to raise funds. This is one of them. I was very honored to have been contacted by the Detroit News with the offer to join in the Holiday Cheer for Charity knowing that it will require a lot of dedication on everyone’s part. But, I thought — What do we have to Lose?? So, please check this out. Voting starts today at noon and requires a vote everyday. Please put us on your calendar and once you have the link, it shouldn’t take more than a minute to vote for 4 Paws 1 Heart. Thank you in advance. It means so much to us as well as the thousands of animals we have been able to help over the past 12 years. Over $1.7 million dollars has been paid to date in medical treatment for animals rescued by good Samaritans, animal control officers, rescue organizations and first responders. Thank YOU so very much. – diana.

Detroit News Story link

Detroit News voting page link

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/10/22 – I hope everyone has noticed the change in our banner on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/4Paws1Heart/. Our Board member, Kim Fuhrman, is working on creating an active banner that will focus on some of more severe current cases. As most of you know, one of those cases is our little Muffins. And, many generous friends have gotten Muffins to where she is thus far but as Gina reported, more will be needed. And that’s where another great friend of 4 paws 1 heart has come through.

So, I’m announcing another MATCH!! This is a $5,000 Match which will begin tomorrow and end on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23, 2022. So thank you in advance. This donation and yours will not only help Muffins but will help us get back to normal for the rest of the orphans we try to help like Peanut, Ozzie, Callie, and BooBoo. – Diana.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/10/22 – Although, we are very thankful that we can still afford to assist with the basics (vaccines, testing, and neuter/spay), we also want to help get the orphans off of the streets, especially with winter closing in. Here is the message I received from a caring woman who contacted us for help. We took care of the medical needs but we are not a rescue and couldn’t take the cat in.

If you are interested in adopting her, please contact: [email protected] – diana.

“I’m sure you are getting a lot of emails & calls for help with animals but our neighborhood has a roughly 6 month old, homeless, female kitten that is very friendly & sweet. She is a medium hair black & white kitten. We posted her on our city’s FB page to see if she was someone’s pet but people stated that they thought she was born to a feral mom behind one of the factories in our area. We also checked “For The Love of Louie” website but didn’t find any posts reporting a kitten missing.

We are giving her food and water every day and we can pet her. Today, I purchased a heated pad – cat house off of Amazon because we don’t want her to get cold with the weather changing. I’m not sure where she goes at night but she meets us every evening and every morning at our front door so we can feed her. She runs between our legs and rolls around on the ground.

We just can’t take her in because of the crew we already have. We also don’t want anything to happen to her or for her to get pregnant and for there to be even more homeless kitties so we are reaching out for help. We are really hoping you can help by taking her into your rescue.- Erica”

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


It was a very long day and we just got home a little while ago. I feel like crawling in a hole but I don’t want to leave everyone hanging. They say that everything happens for a reason and I know things could be worse. I’m trying to find the “positive” the “reason” behind my purpose and involvement in this journey. It’s hard, because we took her in this morning feeling excited and hopeful.. Relaxed and relieved.. I left tonight feeling helpless and defeated just like every single time this last 4 months when I thought we were close to fixing this issue so she could live a normal life. Despite all efforts from Dr. Kustasz and the wonderful team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, Muffins’ needs further testing at Michigan State Veterinary Hospital. Her extremely rare condition is bigger than expected but there IS a treatment. The problem is the cost. I’ll explain more in detail later, but basically she will need Fluroscopy with contrast and then corrective surgery to fix it. They were able to use the camera to look inside her nasal cavity and pharynx, but a wire guided balloon dilation catheter could not be placed because there was no opening found. The doctor was genuine and I fully trust that they gave their all. Once I know the estimated cost from MSU I’ll be doing another fundraising page for Muffins’. In the meantime, if you want your donation to go towards her care please specify to me or Diana. Thank you all for your calls, texts, and prayers. Also, thank you to my supportive husband for being my rock and putting up with my emotional mess of a self these last several months. I’ll update again soon. Gina

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/8/22 – And once again the village comes together to save animals being tortured on our streets. – diana.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

A Second Chance For Chance facebook page

CHANCE: Hey there Team! We are soooo happy to be able to tell you that our SuperHero neighbor Jasna trapped the last remaining kitty of the 6 feral cats that were in a very, very dangerous situation. As we told you of this little colony that had been being fed by a caretaker for the last 5yrs 4 kittys have disappeared and one was found shot and despite being rescued and taken out to Dr. Zs, that baby couldn’t be saved. As heartbreaking as that is, it’s because of him that the remaining 6 of his colony have now all been trapped and are safe indoors at Jasna’s house. You did a great job Jasna and we are all here to help you with whatever you need! 4 Paws 1 Heart will be covering their basic vetting as Jasna gives them some time to decompress and see if any of them will be able to be socialized. As of tonight all are eating and all are using the litter boxes…that’s huge!!!! You are all safe now kids, you can sleep easy.