9/14/13 – WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE??? – This past week has been a horrendous one for our animal community. The horror was the number of stomach-churning and heart-wrenching cruelty cases which were reported through the news media; the blessing is that the news media seems to be getting more engaged in reporting acts of animal cruelty. In the case of Patty, who was found skinned, nearly $20,000 has been raised for her medical bills and in the case of Hope (seen here) over $10,000 has been raised. This poor baby appears to have been purposely burned with a blow torch.
Everyone asks “What kind of inhuman can do this to poor defenseless animals?” The answer is “those same people who can tie up and rape elderly women in their homes, shoot babies in the head in front of their mothers, shoot veterans who risked their lives in service to our countries, kill just because they don’t have anything else to do. These are the people who usually start their deviant behavior at an early age and, unfortunately, it’s usually cats who are the poor victims at the beginning of this cycle. Cats are small, less threatening, more disliked in some ethnic/racial groups, much more available as strays in neighborhoods, and, thus more easily targeted.What can you do? Get involved, get educated, don’t stand for it, and make a difference. Don’t tolerate cruelty of any kind. Contact your legislators and community leaders and let them know how you feel about the welfare of those who depend on us for safety and shelter. Educate yourself about what is going on in your communities — what are the shelters doing? what does your animal control policies look like in your city? how do your police respond to reports of animal cruelty/abuse? Please don’t say “Ok I can’t read this–it’s too sad.” Read it — you have to know about dog fighting, trunk fighting, chained dogs left in freezing cold or body exploding heat, disgusting dog breeders (both ‘backyard’ breeders using the poor female and then dumping her– all for money — or the same disgusting commercial breeder doing the same for money. Don’t buy any pets — Adopt and save an animal. Let stores who sell pets know you want them out of your neighborhoods. When 4 million animals are killed in shelters and probably an equal number die in the streets and with breeders, there is NO reason to not spay/neuter your pet AND there is no reason to breed OR buy.Together we truly can make a difference but we need to be involved. We can no longer be the silent majority who just donate money when a sad case is on TV. Although the donations are needed and animal advocacy groups couldn’t exist without them. There are hundreds of sad cases a day which never hit the TV screen and we all need to recognize this and stop the madness. We should all be very afraid of what is going on in our communities and the lack of souls and hearts in so many of our young people I ask YOU — what do you plan to do to make a difference??? ~ diana
The Hope Fund is being established to help with medical costs associated with our newest cruelty case. Hope was set on fire and has burns over her entire back and sides and weighs only 4 pounds. She needs our help!