12/29/21 – Very sad news about Noel who was finally trapped after months of trying. She had a prolapsed rectum like none we’ve ever seen before. She went to one of the best doctors we know and she was treated. Then, the prolapse reoccurred, and again the doctor treated her. Unfortunately, it happened again and surgery was performed yesterday and in checking with the clinic, all seemed to go well. But, much to my surprise, I just saw this post advising that Noel died last night after being taken to an emergency hospital. The Lord knows we tried along with her rescuer, Kim. Our hearts are breaking for this sweet baby. May she now rest in peace. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

“Sadly Noel has lost her fight with the prolapsed rectum. She had a different surgery yesterday and last night around 2:30am she was found with everything out again even worse than before. There was no choice to end her suffering. Her foster mom took her to affiliate last night and she was helped to peacefully passed away. These pics are Noel yesterday after I picked her up from Orion animal hospital after her 3rd surgery for her prolapse. – Kim” 😭💔

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