10/14/21 – Leo had his dental surgery yesterday and we are praying that this little guy can once again eat without pain and start gaining weight. I was first contacted about Leo and his sister Callie after we had helped his sibling, Tiger, who unfortunately died. Here is Shannon’s first message to me:”Hi Diana, This is Shannon again, you helped me with Tiger and these 2 are Leo and Callie they are his siblings.. I know I mentioned them awhile back to you but real quick just to give you a quick recap of their story. The 3 of them, these 2 and brother Tiger, who we recently lost to cancer, were feral cats who I was feeding In Birmingham. They were fixed, etc. and I started getting complaints from these idiot business owners that didn’t want them there. During COVID someone killed a random cat and placed it in a garbage bag next to their feeding station. During that time I was trying to trap Tiger; I knew he was not well and was hoping to find somewhere to possibly relocate his siblings if possible. They ended up going into the traps before him so I decided to take that opportunity and get them out of there. Well, as I’m sure you know it isn’t very easy to find a place for them to go and I haven’t gotten very far with them as in domesticating them. They are inside they have been in my master bedroom and since they were spayed and neutered a few yrs ago, they haven’t been back to the vet. I’m reaching out because I need to get them into the vet. I’m really worried especially about Leo you can see his mouth doesn’t look good and he smells awful. They are barely eating and she has a missing tooth. This is recent I have been caring for them for sometime now and other than obviously not being thrilled being inside they still always would eat and show their faces. Now they are barely coming out and eating very little. I know you’ve helped me a lot, so I hate to ask but now I’m so worried. I have to wash his blankets every other day. At first he got pretty chubby and I’ve noticed that’s he’s losing the weight. I’m concerned he has the same issues his brother did and she’s not too far behind him. If there’s anyway you can help these two maybe even if he could go first if that helps. Whatever you can do sorry again to have to ask. – Shannon” Leo’s mouth was highly infected and all of his teeth needed to be extracted which was done yesterday. He is now on antibiotics and should be on the road to recovery. This type of surgery is needed far too often and is very expensive. Most cats requiring such extensive dental care would quickly be put down. Hopefully, we will be successful with our Sunday (October 17-see events) fundraiser and can then assist with Callie. Donations of any amount are always very much appreciated. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/1,093People reached57EngagementsBoost post

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