2/24/22 – Meet Ripley – I was contacted by a caring person whom we’ve assisted in the past. Her co-worker had rescued a kitten she found living in her backyard. It’s believed that the mom was killed by another animal a week prior as her co-worker heard a terrible noise outside and then started hearing a crying. When she went outside to investigate, she found the kitten. It took 3 days for the kitten to trust her but she finally got her inside and safe. This was late November when our 4p1h friend took the baby and contacted us for medical assistance. At the time she was too young for anything more than an exam and vaccines. This past Monday she was spayed. As most of our followers know, our ‘job’ is never done until the cat or dog is spayed/neutered. This is a critical part of our commitment to “Reduce the Number of Unwanted Animals”. We are so very happy for Ripley because she is now in a loving home with two siblings. – diana.