6/10/22 – And the orphan kitties keep coming!! – diana

6/10/22 – And the orphan kitties keep coming!! – diana
6/10/22 – The Story of Angel Baby. We mourn the loss of her babies in order to save her but Angel Baby fought so hard and we were thankful to give her a second chance at life. Your donations matter. – Diana.
“It all started on April 5th, with a lady jogging down Trowbridge Street in Hamtramck and posted on, I LOVE HAMTRAMCK city site. The jogger reported that she saw a little young black kitty, “ that looked like it had a line wrapped around its belly, cutting it as it grew.” I had a resident post asking the community to report the kitties’ whereabouts. The comments came flooding in, the residents gave us the exact location. On Sunday, April 10th, the kitty was located and the next day my team and I set up multiple traps, the residents assisted and we captured her and two others! OnTuesday, April 12th, we took the kitties to be TNRd at Michigan Humane Society. It was reported that our little black kitty had netting deeply embedded into her abdomen, the residents stated it was there since last summer, and was severely infected and they did not have enough skin to fully close the wound. MHS suggested euthanisa which we declined without a second opinion.
I had submitted her story thus far and photos to Diana at 4 Paws and 1 Heart to assist in keeping her alive or if deemed necessary to euthanize to prevent any suffering. On April 25th, two weeks post-op, our little girl named Angel Baby, was seen at All About Animals to determine if the infection and healing process was improving. The doctor stated the pelvis and abdomen contents are pushed upward due to the constriction causing abnormal anatomy. Euthansia was deemed not necessary but Angel Baby should be x rayed to rule out pregnancy!
On April 26th, Diana suggested and approved a second opinion at APAWS Veterinary. An exam and xrays were performed and it was seen that she was carrying two, almost full term babies. The labor , which was impossible, would’ve killed her and ended her short life. Diana stated they would do whatever was necessary to save her! A spay/abort was performed and she was saved to continue living!
On May 13th, she returned to APAWS Veterinarian for a post-op and doc said she’s healin really nice. Angel has continued her healing and we started our socializing. She was very hissy and spicy and now will take her meals from my hand and treats too! She still gives me a warning swat and I respect her mood and back away! She really loves her back scratcher and toothbrush rubs and pets! She is vetted and combo negative! She should never go back to the hell streets she came from but she is still considered semi-feral!
Please call or text (586) 872-6907
Diane Hoffmeyer”
6/9/22 – Prayers for Tommy. Last month, after Tommy was trapped/neutered/released his one eye appeared infected. I was contacted and Tommy was treated with some eye meds which seemed to help. But, after, the finder treated Tommy for fleas/ticks with Advantage, Tommy became lethargic and his eye started watering up again. Fortunately, our good friends at Patterson were able to get Tommy in right away yesterday and they found that Tommy has an enlarged kidney and that there was fluid behind his eye. He received sub q fluids, a fever reducer, and an antibiotic injection. We are praying that it is not too late and Tommy will be watched closely and will go back to the vet next week. – diana.
6/8/22 – So many cats/kittens are being found all over and we are doing our best to help each and every one. This is Amos and Andy. They were taken in by our friend, Patricia, at 3 months old. We have covered their medical needs and poor little Amos had pink eye so he was given meds and the ‘cone of shame’ so he wouldn’t be scratching or rubbing his eye. Both tested negative for FIV and FelV. Anyone interested in adopting should contact Patricia at: [email protected] – Diana.
Thank you for being there for us. -Patricia
6/6/22 – Montana is 11 years old and his owner could no longer care for him and another dog. A woman who we have helped in the past had been providing food for Montana and his pal when the owner told her that he had to give them up. Because our 4p1h friend, Melissa, had already built a relationship with Montana she took in Montana and brought him to the vet to be neutered and vaccinated. There he was found to be positive for heart worm. Because the facility had no x ray ability, Montana was brought to another facility but Melissa has not been able to get the results. That’s when she contacted us.
Montana will be seen by a doctor at one of our long-term medical partners and we will proceed with medical treatment as recommended. – diana.
Mommy loves you so much Montana! We cannot thank 4 Paws 1 Heart enough for helping us out! – Melissa
6/5/22 – 7 years ago, Chance working with Dr. Kern and staff in hopes of being able to walk again. You can follow his journey on our website, 4paws1heart.org and follow his antics on the fb page a Second Chance For Chance. Without our donors and supporters, Chance would still be paralyzed. – diana.
Chance update from today – Chance has been making steady progress and we are thrilled. Today, he wasn’t going for his usual bribes, but he decided that he needed to motor over to check out the meowing clock. He still has a bit more work to do, but he is really making progress!
6/2/22 – I received a call from one of the caring volunteers at Genesee County Animal Shelter about a sweet cat whose paw was caught in a trap and needed amputation. Of course, municipal shelters typically don’t have the funds for such injuries and although they were able to find placement for Richard, the rescue could not afford the surgery. Yesterday, Richard, had successful surgery and he is now on the road to recovery. Anyone interested in giving this boy a loving, furever home, should contact Kittens in the Mittens. And, again, without our many supporters, kitties like Richard would die painfully on the streets or be euthanized in shelter. So, THANK YOU!! – diana.