4/8/22 – Prayer Warriors Needed! Morgan is a 6-month old kitten who appears to have been abandoned on the streets. I received a desperate call for help yesterday because he hasn’t been able to eat. Discharge is coming out of his nose. Thankfully our great doctors at Orion Animal Hospital were able to see him right away yesterday and determined he had a severe infection. He was given antibiotics but this morning when he tried to eat, he vomited. We are obviously very concerned and the little guy is very sweet and is fighting to survive. He is on his way back to the vet at this time. Please say a little prayer for him. – diana.
4/8/22 – Morgan Update. I spoke with Dr. Blasses earlier today. She advised that Morgan tested positive for Pan Leukemia. But, his blood work gave her hope that he might be able to recover. He will be spending at least tonight on fluids under doctor’s care and I authorized him to remain in the hospital over the weekend if needed. Please continue to keep Morgan in your prayers. Everyone is fighting for him. – diana.