Please share and help Peanut. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

This is Peanut that we need to find a home/rescue/shelter or sanctuary placement for asap by October 16th no later than 21st.
Peanut is 11 years young. She’s never been around dogs in her 11 years of life. Peanut is a bottle baby Tonya raised. With this post I’m asking for placement until we can find out if Tonya will be deemed to take care of herself in the end prior to asking for any cats to be returned if that’s the case before cats stay in placements permanently. There’s unknowns. Some GBS survivors have fully recovered after 6 months. With 1yr baseline. Some don’t fully recover. Tonya is getting stronger daily. But her fingers on dominant hand are still semi weak with grabbing things. And left leg is heavy like a weight (this is the leg that was fully paralyzed in the beginning).
We have until the 29th no later as of now. Apartment will be cleared out of all human belongings. – Erika