It was a very long day and we just got home a little while ago. I feel like crawling in a hole but I don’t want to leave everyone hanging. They say that everything happens for a reason and I know things could be worse. I’m trying to find the “positive” the “reason” behind my purpose and involvement in this journey. It’s hard, because we took her in this morning feeling excited and hopeful.. Relaxed and relieved.. I left tonight feeling helpless and defeated just like every single time this last 4 months when I thought we were close to fixing this issue so she could live a normal life. Despite all efforts from Dr. Kustasz and the wonderful team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, Muffins’ needs further testing at Michigan State Veterinary Hospital. Her extremely rare condition is bigger than expected but there IS a treatment. The problem is the cost. I’ll explain more in detail later, but basically she will need Fluroscopy with contrast and then corrective surgery to fix it. They were able to use the camera to look inside her nasal cavity and pharynx, but a wire guided balloon dilation catheter could not be placed because there was no opening found. The doctor was genuine and I fully trust that they gave their all. Once I know the estimated cost from MSU I’ll be doing another fundraising page for Muffins’. In the meantime, if you want your donation to go towards her care please specify to me or Diana. Thank you all for your calls, texts, and prayers. Also, thank you to my supportive husband for being my rock and putting up with my emotional mess of a self these last several months. I’ll update again soon. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080