12/18/22 – A beautiful message from our boy Chance and his mom, Denise. We just want all of our followers to know that the love goes both ways because the many fur orphans who have been given a second chance at life would never have had that without our amazing Village.
For those who are new to 4p1h, check out Chance’s fb page. He went from certain death, paralyzed in a municipal shelter, to being the Feline voice for our organization. Proof that when we work together we can make miracles happen! – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Sweet Dreams Team and Remember…..
Its All About the Love
CHANCE: Ummmm mom, could you please give me a hand here????
MOM: Sure Chance, what are you trying to wrap there?
CHANCE: Its my presents to 4 Paws 1 Heart & all my friends here at Team Chance, Its love mom, my present is love. I want 4 Paws 1 Heart and all my friends on my page to know how much I love them for everything they have done for me, Carla, Bridgette,Twyla, Trixie and all the other kittys & doggys that were saved and are now healthy & happy because 4 Paws & Team Chance loves us!!!!
MOM: Awww Chance, that’s beautiful. But love is not something you can wrap in tissue and put a bow on it. Love is a feeling, something that radiates from your heart. Something that shows by the things you do and the way you treat others. The best way to let people know you love them, is to tell them…and tell them often.
CHANCE: Really mom??? Are you listening 4 Paws 1 Heart??? I LOVE YOU and all the wonderful friends and supporters of 4 Paws 1 Heart…I LOVE YOU!!!!! Are you listening Team Chance & KittysHelpingKittys supporters….I LOVE YOU!!!! Love Chance