2/20/23 – It was just after Christmas when I was contacted about a very sweet cat who had been hanging around a nursing home in Detroit. The staff had been feeding the cat but then the management said they could not longer feed her because the food was “attracting rodents”. Deb, Sweet Pea’s rescuer, was concerned because Sweet Pea had been use to being fed. Although Deb had a 17 year old cat of her own, she took the cat and brought her to a vet to be examined. The vet said she was healthy and vaccinated and dewormed her. Deb then contacted us to see if we would help with paying for Sweet Pea to be spayed and with placement. Deb said that she hade never met a sweeter cat. During the entire drive from Detroit to Bloomfield Hills, Sweet Pea just laid on her lap–she just loves to be loved. I authorized Sweet Pea’s spay and FIV/FelV test at Orion Animal Hospital and, lo and behold, the doctor advised that Sweet Pea was pregnant!! The doctor thinks she may have 2 or 3 kittens. So, now we wait. We are committed to Sweet Pea and her kittens and we are all praying that the kittens are not aborted and are born healthy. There is a concern that the kittens could be harmed because Sweet Pea had been vaccinated and dewormed during her first vet visit before we were contacted. But, happily, very lovable Sweet Pea is safe in a home awaiting the birth of her babies and Deb will keep me updated. – diana.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080