3/31/23 – Crixus came to our attention in the summer of 2020 when he had a hurt paw. He received x rays and all of the usual medications which cost much more than it should have but…..He continued to be a community cat in Hamtramck, MI although the caretaker would try to keep him in at night to lessen potential fights. At that time Crixus was already at least 9 years old. Then, last summer Crixus was having issues with swallowing; again, we were contacted and Crixus was found to have an infection. We were happy to help again. In February of this year, we were again contacted about this very resilient boy. When his caretaker went to feed him, he was found to be throwing up blood. Again, Crixus was trapped and we were contacted. Crixus saw our great friends at Five Mile Animal Hospital where the doctor diagnosed Stomatitis and recommended a full dental extraction. On March 24 Crixus had his surgery and now will never see the outside again unless it’s through his caretaker’s window. His caretaker said that without 4 Paws 1 Heart, Crixus would have never made it to 13 years old. — We say, without the love of our supporters, thousands of animals would have never lived another day. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080