This week makes 9 months since this little girl came into my life after being rescued from outside where she was literally dying.
Over the course of these past several months I’ve been handling her condition and literally doing everything humanely possible to be her advocate and manage her symptoms. I have felt a great deal of helplessness and frustration while trying to get the help she needs.
We have been through 3 different hospitals, and because her issue is so rare I had to weigh out all options before deciding on another attempt at surgery.
As a last resort, I scheduled an appointment with Dr Stanley at Animal Surgical Center in Flint. She is an incredible soft tissue surgeon specialist whom I met years ago after she performed an amazing reconstructive scar tissue surgery on another pet I once fostered. She also specializes in upper airway obstruction cases.
Our appointment was yesterday and for those who are unfamiliar with this case, Muffins’ has a stricture or possibly a band of scar tissue covering the area in her nasophyrengeal space where there should be a hole. The cause is likely from chronic inflammation or congenital.
This problem causes her to constantly sneeze out large green snot with nonstop drainage. There is pressure in her ear drums from fluid, her equilibrium is off, she gets bacterial infections, she is wheezing at times and this because her sinus area cannot drain normally.
Surgery is scheduled for May 23rd. Dr Stanley won’t know for certain until she gets inside the soft palet but she suspects she will need to create an opening and place a temporary silicone stent.
Muffins ‘ would stay overnight and we would have to bring her back to flint once a week for 6 weeks where they would do a nasal flush and at last visit remove the stent. Estimate is $6,000 to $7,000 all together.
I trust that Dr Stanley is my only and best option to give Muffins’ a quality of life that she deserves. I’m also scared because this is a major procedure and a 2 month journey where complications can occur and we live over an hour away from the hospital. They were understanding and made me feel totally comfortable even tho I lost it emotionally.
I cannot thank my amazing husband, David Jenio enough for his continued support and understanding during this journey.
Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart and our supporters who are making it possible to give Muffins’ the chance she deserves. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080