4/23/23 – Cheers to our Super Hero and Feline Mascot—-our boy Chance. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Holy cow Team, can you believe it’s been 8yrs ago today that we started my own SuperHero Facebook page??? Remember my SuperHero Clubhouse? When everybody got a new cattree and mom felt so bad becuse I couldn’t climb it back then so she made me this super cool SuperHero Clubhouse! Being your SuperHero friend the last actually 9yrs (for those who followed me on moms page before I got my own) has been an amazing journey! But the true SuperHeros have been all of you You’ve supported 4 Paws 1 Heart and our #KittysHelpingKittys Program which have allowed us to not only get all the vetting for those of us that are special needs around her, but have allowed us to help sooo many more!!!!
Over 100 kittens, cats, dogs, a skunk, 2 birds, annnd our possum friends. You’ve sent food, equipment, blankets, heating pads, pee pads, heated shelters, heated outside beds and waterbowls for homeless and feral kittys in the harsh cold weather. The food youve sent for #KittysHelpingKittys have helped us feed literally hundreds of cats, kittens and neo-nate bottle babies over the years and your donations of food continue to help us keep over 100 ferals, fosters, and stray cats and kittens hungry tummys filled right now! You’ve helped us find Forever Homes for the cats, kittens & pups we’ve taken in. You’ve even helped us choose their names! You’ve cheered us on, encouraged us, laughed with us, prayed with us and for us, cried with us over the losses and for those we couldn’t save. You are not just our Facebook friends, you have become Family to us and we couldn’t be more thankful for you. We love you all, thankyou for taking time out of your day to spend time with us…Cheers to the next 8yrs together!
Love Chance, Oliver, Bridgette, Muskrat, Trixie, Twyla, Carla, Bobbi, Star, Twinsie, Mom & Aunt Shelly