4/17/23 – The story of Jazzman (aka Jazzy) as told by his rescuer:
“He’s a boy and the sweetest kitty I’ve ever met — like holding a big beanie baby! So very gentle and very sick. I’ve been trying to save this kitty from the streets for a year and a half. He tried a couple of times to get in my trap and I figured out the trap wasn’t tall enough for him. So, after it slammed on him a couple of times, he wasn’t having it. Then on one of the big, windy, rainy days last week, he gave up! He would usually sit around the side of the porch while I put the food out. This day he was right by the dish and didn’t move as I walked up. He took a few steps and I bent down and picked him up. His body was so limp in my arms; so very weak. He meowed loud while clinging to me as if to say ‘help me’. I got him as his nails went into my shirt; I could barely get him down to the floor as he was hanging onto me and I realized there was something wrong. Thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart (who knew I had been trying to trap this baby for months) for covering his vet appointment. It was found that Jazzy had been bitten in the head and had a severe abscess. He’s now been on antibiotics and I clean his wound 3 times a day. The doctor said that Jazzy would have died soon because the wound was so infected and was spreading throughout his body. So thank God I got him! It’s been about 5 days since he was taken to the doctor and Jazzy is slowly getting better. But he is getting lots of care, pets, and hugs! Jazzy is eating good and will go back to the vet for a follow up exam and to be neutered and vaccinated.
Thanks to God and 4 Paws 1 Heart that another kitty, very much in need, is saved. Please pray for Jazzy to make a full recovery. One day he will make the best family member. He is so very sweet and friendly and only about 1 year and a half old. He is beautiful! His marble coat is so pretty! He’s been through Hell! But now he has love and support! – Angelina”
I would say that Angelina said it all. Again, many thanks to those many people who never turn their backs on an animal in need. – diana.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080