4/5/23 – He was found on the street I was born on in Detroit. He was very emaciated, needing medical attention. We authorized Baldwin to go to one of our partner veterinary clinics. Unfortunately, Baldwin was found positive for heart worm. The doctor immediately started his 30-day pre treatment and scheduled another follow up appointment to determine the level of heart worm. Once that is determined, Midland Pit Stop Rescue (who we’ve worked with in the past) will be taking in Baldwin to finish up with his heart worm treatment and eventually find him his furever home. We have also committed to his neuter and vaccines as appropriate. Please pray for this handsome boy and the many people who don’t turn their backs on an animal in need. – diana.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080