5/22/23 – Safe travels to Gina and her husband who will be traveling back and forth between St Clair Shores and Flint for the next 6 weeks. It’s been a true testament of love over the many months of care that Gina has given Muffins. And we are very thankful for the support of Dave Jenio even though he is highly allergic to feline. – diana
Tomorrow morning at 8am is the huge surgery day for Muffins’. Please keep her in your prayers. I’m super nervous and it’s been a really long 10 months of daily care.
I feel that she will be in the best hands at Animal Surgical Center. They are placing a temporary silicone stent in her nasophyrengeal area. She will go back to flint for 6 weeks of follow up procedures once a week to flush the stent. At 6 weeks it’ll be removed with hope that the hole remains open with no complications.
I’ll update tomorrow once I know more. Gina
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080