5/18/23 – A report from our friends at Run Around Sue Cat Rescue about sweet Freddy:
“Ehren & Tina Drescher – Run Around Sue Cat Rescue
Rescued Freddy on 5//11/2023
For those of you not familiar with this sweet boy’s story, Freddy was thrown from a car in Flint, Michigan. Neighbors watched but we’re unable to get a license plate. One neighbor followed the cat and coaxed him into her yard. She set up a crate on her porch and started to feed him. The next day she noticed a large lump on his side and posted for rescue help. We came upon this post because we were tagged by many people. Instantly I wrote an email to Diana, 4paws1Heart asking if we could get help with this boy. Within hours we had an email, saying yes, and transport was set up and he was brought to us; that is when we found out what a sweet, smart boy he is. Literally, he listens and follows commands. This cat was loved very well. I don’t know how he ended up like this, but it sure wasn’t done by the one that loved him.
Update – Vet Visit 5/15/2023 –
Today was Freddy’s visit with Orion Animal Hospital. I’ll start off by saying he made friends with everyone. His injury from being thrown is bad. Dr. Zalac, Orion Animal Hospital, said that Freddy appears to be a young to middle-aged neutered male. He has a Huge hernia (hole) in the muscle wall on his left side which is allowing his kidney and abdominal contents to pop out under the skin. This could vary from a pretty simple surgery to something pretty complicated and difficult. She did say that his chest wall, heart, and lungs look good. 4 Paws 1 Heart approved his exploratory surgery on May 31. He is first on the cancellation list. As you can see in the photo, he was tuckered out after his trip to the vet. He was absolutely terrified traveling in the car. It didn’t occur to me that he would be until we were on our way. So needless to say he was so exhausted once we made it home. Thanks to 4Paws1Heart he was combo tested, labs, X-rays and vaccinated today so I think he will sleep well tonight. Please keep our boy in your prayers. It sounds like he’s going to have a very tough road ahead of him.
Please help 4paws1Heart continue to pay for these strays’ medical attention. This is a resource, that as somebody who rescues cats, is beyond needed. – Tina”
Although raising funds to assist the many stray, defenseless animals on the streets, is time consuming and sometimes difficult, the actual rescue of the animals is much more difficult and at times heart breaking. We absolutely admire the many animal angels who devote their lives (and money) to getting these sweet, abused animals off of the street. Thank you for your support. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080