5/5/23 – as provided by his rescuers at Run Around Sue Cat Rescue:
“Rescue Swartz Creek April 16, 2023
We rescued Swartz on Sunday evening after he showed up on a porch late in the evening. The homeowners said he was crying and crying to get in, but they could not bring him in because he was so sick. His eyes were barely open and he was super congested, so they reached out to us for help. One of our fosters volunteered and picked him up and kept him in her garage for the evening, monitoring him. The next morning he had his first vet appointment at Orion Animal Hospital — thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart for taking him under their wing; we had no funds to vet poor Swartz.
This poor boy is a mess, but it didn’t stop him from making biscuits and purring through his exam. Both eyes are super infected. His left eye is either missing or sunken in from the infection or maybe a birth defect. It will have to be evaluated after seven days of medication. Both of his ears are painfully infected. He has an upper respiratory infection and is very congested. We were sent home with ear drops, an ointment and antibiotics. The doctor will reevaluate his eyes on our next appointment when some of the infection is gone. Late that evening, when I went to check on him, give meds and wash his face up a bit more, he was literally reaching through the cage for me. I wrapped him up and rocked him and talked to him for a bit. It’s amazing how loving he is even when you know he’s in pain.
Please keep this sweet boy in your prayers.
Update April 20, 2023
Swartzy has not used his litter box in more than 24 hours and has not eaten so we had an emergency visit to the vet today again, thanks to 4 Paws1 Heart!! I reached out to Diana and she didn’t think twice. She told me to take him in. The vet put him on an additional antibiotic, as well as an appetite enhancer. She did say his ears are looking better, so we did have something positive.
Over the next few days Swartzy did not want to eat. It was very concerning. We opened a can of tuna fish, chopped it up really tiny using the juice that was in it and would put a piece in his back right corner of his mouth, lift his chin and have him swallow it. We did that every couple hours — a good four or five bites; by Sunday evening he finally ate and we celebrated.
Update May 2, 2023 on our rescue Swartzy
Follow up vet appointment at Orion animal Hospital with Dr. Blasses. Swartzy’s left eye is not useful. His right eye is working; he can see out of it. There is some scar tissue, but neither eye has infection at this point. We will be monitoring his eyes. If his left eye continues to get infected they will have to do surgery. His ears are still infected, but looking better. He is no longer congested, but she has put him on a 10 day anabiotic to get him through the rest of this sickness. We are so happy to see him getting better.
If you can help 4 Paws 1 Heart, continue to save strays please do so if not, please share
Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for saving another sweet boy you are amazing people for doing what you do! Swartzy is unbelievably, sweet and loving. We hope to get him well enough to find him a home, where he can feel secure and safe and get all the love he deserves.
Diana, I want to personally thank you for all you do for us. We appreciate you more than you know. God Bless.
Much love Tina & Stacy Run Around Sue Cat Rescue.”
Swartz will need to be neutered and vaccinated in two weeks. We are praying that his one eye will not need to be removed. But, as we’ve said in the past — we will always finish what we started and we will be there for Swartz until he is ready to be adopted. Please keep him in your prayers. Run Around Sue Cat Rescue did get their 501c3 status but we know how difficult it is when you are just starting to save stray animals who have no one else. We are glad we can help because of our amazing supporters and , partner veterinary staffs. Together we can make a difference. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080