6/1/23 – But i wanted to at least recognize this poor baby who suffered too long. I saw the post and said we could cover the medical if someone would take responsibility for the cat. This cat was in Monrrose, Mi, and, unfortunately, my knowledge of the area let alone local vets is non-existent. A person we’ve worked with in the past said she would jump in. Bottom line — we were in contact most of the evening to get this poor cat into a vet. It turned out she had been laying in the streets under a car for a number of days but no one would step up to help. When the cat was picked up by a transporter she was in a bin, maggots were coming out of her body and flies covered her. Had we known earlier the condition of this poor baby, I would have directed the cat to be taken to the nearest clinic to be put out of her suffering. But instead, we didn’t know. After a long ride, she arrived at our partner emergency hospital where she was allowed to peacefully cross the Rainbow Bridge. I detail this because sometimes we just have to let an animal who is suffering go. It’s not rescue, when there is no hope; it’s up to us to make that difficult decision. God bless all who tried, it was heartbreaking for everyone. I just wish someone early on had taken her to a vet even if it meant euthanasia early on instead of what she went through. RIP little one. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080