6/23/23 – Much more new cases than I usually will post but there are updates also. First Annabelle. Unfortunately, because of the situation, the rescuers working on this home where deceased people were found and many animals were loose for days, the dogs were placed in separate areas while police took care of their appropriate procedures. Annabelle was placed in a fenced in area until she could be seen the following day at All About Animals Rescue (AAAR) (see my previous post). But, a dog successfully climbed the fence and attacked Annabelle. The appointment at AAAR which was used for another dog (story later) because AAAR could not take care of the severe wounds incurred by poor, sweet Annabelle. At West Flint Animal Hospital Annabelle was found to have a broken ulna, several wounds, and appears to have tested positive for heart worm (still checking with the rescuer). At this time, I’m trying to get a handle on the needs of Annabelle and the other dog named Dog who was taken into AAAR and found to be heart worm positive. To say the least, this is a very sad and confused story. I will continue to update but for now here is Annabelle after her attack and Dog. We will do what we can afford to help!
And, I know I’ve said this a million times, but only your donations can make a difference in the lives of these abused and ‘left behind’ animals. – diana
1776 4th of July Matching Campaign is ON NOW.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080