6/27/23 – Update from our feline mascot extraordinaire, Chance.
CHANCE: Gooood morning Team! Happy Tuesday to you! You remember the poor kittys we showed you yesterday who were locked in a crate outside in the heat and storms for 2 weeks…Garfield & Buster?
Just over 24hrs inside with their temporary foster “Aunt Vickie” and they are already doing so much better under her loving care. Here they are at the vets this morning thanks to your donations and 4 Paws 1 Heart. Today Garfield will be sedated and all his horrible matting will be taken care of and both boys will get tested, shots, deformed, flea meds and then go from there to see if any other medical is needed other then possibe neuter. We will keep you posted Team!
Don’t forget…thanks to one of our other Honorary Aunties right now through July 4th your donations will be matched in the 4p1h …1776 4th of July Match! Please donate what you can, thankyou! Can you just imagine??? 2 weeks outside in the heat and storms locked in a crate? No box, filthy water, no food. We don’t know how they survived.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080