9/28/23 – A cautionary story for anyone working in a store where items such as pumpkins or other large items are piled high outside. Pumpkin was rescued by an employee at a Kroger store. He was found buried under the pile of pumpkins. She took Pumpkin to a nearby vet who did some initial x rays and exams but his belly was extended resulting from some injury or illness and his leg appeared to be broken. We were contacted and Pumpkin was authorized to have additional imaging and tests done at Orion but before Pumpkin could get there, his rescuer contacted me with the following:
“Hello, so the vet that I was at ended up doing some imaging, and determined that this baby had many crush injuries, Including a ruptured kidney and his penis was necrotic and dying. We decided that it was best to humanely help him die. They didn’t charge me. Once again, thank you so much to you and to 4 Paws for helping the community so much. – Michelle”
Thank you to the clinic which didn’t charge Michelle and helped Pumpkin pass the Rainbow Bridge. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

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