10/7/23 – One of many left behind in a mobile home park. He had been TNR’d and cared for by residents of the community. We were asked to assist with what seemed to be overgrown claws and possible dental issues. When taken to our partner veterinary clinic, Scar was found to have a huge mass (possibly cancerous) so large it affected his spine and possibly his walking ability. He was estimated to be 18 years old. It was decided to let him peacefully cross the Rainbow Bridge. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/7/23 – On September 6, 2.0 showed up on a porch with a “huge open wound” at the base of his tail. His finder noticed that he had been TNR’d and he seemed very friendly. She could also see that he had parasites. 2.0 was quickly seen by one of our partner veterinarians. His wound was treated and he was given antibiotics and pain medication. He was also tested and later treated for parasites. He tested negative for fiv/felv. Fortunately, there was no damage to his tail. His finder, Luci, reported yesterday that 2.0 is now an inside cat and living happily with her mom and her mom’s fur family. Little 2.0 is the tiniest of the bunch and he is living a life of love and safety. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080