10/22/23 Sammi was brought into emergency 12 years ago when she tested positive for a deadly virus called Parvo. I was working that night and took her under my care as an owner surrender. 4 Paws 1 Heart covered her medical needs. Sammi landed in a wonderful home with a friend and supporter. I was sent an update this morning that Sammi will be turning 12 years old. Hug your babies because time goes by… Gina
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

She has been the best pup ever, and has brought such love to my life. She has always been very laid back, smart, and has puppy dog eyes that makes you melt. I am so grateful for her. Without you, without 4 paws 1 Heart, she wouldn’t have this wonderful life. I am, we are..forever grateful. – Dee Bee