10/16/23 – Another commitment, another life saved. Thank you Angelina Saputo – Diana
Sorry for the delay the last 11 or 12 days are a blurr with no sleep, crying , working, driving all over the planet, and the worst almost losing lil Star that we saved 4th of July! He was tiny, hungry, scared, alone, starving, maybe 9-10 weeks old when he came to my front window on the 4th. His sybling gone. It was just him…Terrified! He had been on his own for six days without sybling and who knows how long without mama.
Cuddling after trapping commensed after a few hours if convincing. Then kept him a month no fleas, playing with my kitties all got along. Then 2 vaccines all was good. On to neuter and 2nd rds of vaccines was told swollen lymphnodes but vet said proceed. Next day after neuter 106.7 fever rushed back to vet fliuds and antibiotics. The next day still doing bad back to vet checked fever down keep up antibiotics. Got better for few days then down this lil guy went again 105. 8 fever not opening eyes limp to pick up. Rushed to emergency vet stronger antibiotics blood draw said from sick fleas bite. Said only takes one! Ummm hence the no fleas when found then treated on 1st rd vax day?
Star is getting better again! 21 days of meds should do it this time all pray! I thought I would lose mind. I know all rescue peeps that read this know what I mean. I love him so much and so does his new sister and 4 big brothers he gained. Being babied, loved lots, and monitored closely. Without 4 Paws 1 Heart this lil guy and many others we saved would have died. A Big Thank You to all and to God especially for giving me the strength to do this! Onward March Lil Star Warroir! Ox Angelina Saputo
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080