12/22/23 – With all of the Christmas Miracles we see, far too often we are faced with losing those we love during this time of the year. Sweet Momma Nose is one who crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday with the love of her caretakers for the past 18 years nearby. Momma Nose was known as the ‘Queen’ of the colony. Her caretakers took TNR classes many years ago and cared for a colony which finally no longer produced babies because of their hard work. They also helped other caretakers including one time when they had to ask for our help several years ago. This time it was Momma Nose.
She hurt her front left leg a few weeks ago, and limped for a few days and then got better. Then last week they noticed her limping with her back legs. 3 days ago, she stopped coming to eat, and just laid in one of the shelters. She got into the heated house in the garage, and was dragging a back leg. It was possible she had been hit by a car, or had injured herself jumping a fence. They closed off the exit and put in food, water, and a litter box. She started eating and drinking just a little but had problems with the litter box. Her loving caretakers knew Mama Nose needed help but being retired at a time when cost for medical services and everything else was so inflated, they couldn’t afford it. We were contacted.
We advised, Charlotte, Momma’s caretaker, that although we could not commit to covering surgery if needed, we could pay for an exam and x-rays at Orion Animal Hospital. The following day, December 21, Mama Nose was seen and x rays showed that her spine was fractured. At that time, it was decided to allow Momma Nose to cross. The following was sent to us by Charlotte:
“Dear Diana, I am sure that you are overwhelmed with people needing help with their ferals, and strays, and abandoned and abused animals. But thank you so much for helping us out with Momma Nose. Our finances are of course spread far too thin, and we were so upset with her suffering and straining to walk. Orion Animal Hospital, especially Courtney and Dr. Blasses could not have been more friendly, helpful, and understanding of our fears and sorrow. They were a blessing to us. Diana, you are truly an Angel in human form. Thank you again. 4Paws1Heart has helped us when we needed it most. We plan to bury her tomorrow next to her mother and our other ferals. We have a circular flower garden that has become a cat memorial garden. Thank you again,Charlotte”
The photo is when Momma Nose was under anesthesia so x rays could be taken. We can’t save them all but we can be there to end their pain. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080