1/8/24 – Thank you to our donors and those who attend our fundraisers. – diana
Hi!!!! It’s me Carla and it’s time for my story about why 4 Paws 1 Heart means so much to me
I came in March 2017 after the sweet ladies at the shelter reached out to Auntie Di and Auntie Di called mom.
So, I had a home when I was only 5wks old. Way to young to have been taken from my mama to begin with. Then the humans shut a sliding glass door on me hurting my spine. They waited 5 wks…FIVE WEEKS…before taking me to a shelter to be euthanized because I was dragging my body and not using my litter box, can you believe it?!?!? Well, the ladies at the shelter wasn’t having it and before you know it..I was at Casa Chance! 4P1H was there by my side throughout many challenges! I spent the 1st 2 yrs going to Pawsitive Steps just like Chance for rehab. Dr. Kern and the ladies did everything they could from exercise, massage, treadmill, laser, needles, I got my own wheels, mom did all the homework with me, gave me massages, used a home Tens Unit and although I made some progress, in the end it was decided I had made all the progress I was going to..the damage was just to much to overcome so we stopped my pt. I was still a very happy sweet mama’s girl and she helped me keep my muscles from atrophying and helped me do all my buisness.
Then one day mom noticed blood in my urine, off to Dr. Z! Holy cow, I got 15 bladder stones removed in surgery! Expressing my bladder and helping me poo was a bit tricky while I took the time I needed to heal. And I’ve been on prescription food ever since, wet and dry.
Good grief! What’s that??? MOM noticed a bump right by my eye and over a couple weeks it got bigger…off to Dr. Z again! Turned out it was a very aggressive form of cancer and Dr. Z kept me overnight to remove it right away. It was tricky and we were all scared becuse it was so close to my eye. Dr. Z did (as usual) an amazing job and my cancer has not come back! All these things were stacked up against me and without 4 Paws 1 Heart and their amazing donors I would not be here today, the beautiful, judgey eyed princess you see before you! Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for loving me soooo much, I love you!
Soooo, please consider donating to moms 10th Annual Birthday Fundraiser so that other innocent animals with the odds stacked against them like me can go on to live a happy, healthy life in a loving home.
Thank you for your generosity, Love Carla
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Denise’s 10th annual birthday fundraiser for 4Paws1Heart