1/15/24 – Sharing Stefani’s post. She had not yet received my response to her update after the vet visit. Here’s what I basically responded:
The doctor is being very generous and we will be authorizing the surgery as long as Stefani either keeps Dartanian or finds him a loving home. I’ll update when i get the answer. – diana
Update on this sweet kitty that was dumped. On recommendation from the AAA vet we got X-rays done today at West Flint Animal Hospital & this kitty was either shot or hit by a car- his ENTIRE hip socket is GONE!! The broken pieces are floating around & he needs immediate surgery. He is in extreme pain. The vet said they can try to cut down the rest of the bone & remove the loose bone- if this is unsuccessful they will have to amputate the leg. I have reached out to Diana at 4 Paws 1 Heart to try to get help paying for surgery since she was kind enough to pay for the X-rays but I have not heard back yet. I am in need of a large to XL crate for him so he’s not moving around if anyone can loan me one or donate one I would be forever grateful! I’m going to reach out to every rescue I can to try to get him the surgery & if I am unable I will start a fundraiser. My heart is broken for him, he’s been suffering this whole time but I had no idea the injury was this extensive. He lays on his side constantly bcuz of the pain. Plz pray for this kitty He’s currently being loved-spoiled & doted over by myself & my 9 year old daughter who’s in love with him Huge thank you to Kat Voorheis & Shannon Pine for getting him into AAA which led to the recommendation for X-rays as well as Diana who paid for them. I’m praying for him & that I can somehow get him the surgery he needs.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080