9/16/24 – It was late June, 2023 when I got the following e mail from a 4p1h friend whom we’ve assisted with many rescues, Kim T.:
“The trapping in Detroit has been very sad. Today I received word about 3 cats on the porch of an abandoned house in southwest Detroit. Their eyes were totally shut. We took in the 3 and treated them for upper respiratory infections and they recovered. But then we found dozens more in the house of broken windows, dead birds, and cats roaming in and out. We started to take the cats into All About Animals. Upon pick up we learned there were two females missing an eye and the sockets needed to be cleaned and closed. Then we picked up a third cat and his eye was sunk-in pretty far and looked smaller than the other eye. The other eye appeared to be partially blind. They are all estimated to be under a year old so they must be from the same litter whom never got help as kittens. These three can never be released. This is Sara, Diana, and Clyde. Clyde probably needs the eye that’s sunk-in removed; it’s very cloudy and pushed way back. With Sara and Diana, the eye is gone with the socket open and would require cleaning and closing. -Kim”
Kim asked if we could help with these 3 in that they had just had two recent surgeries, 12 cats recently TNR’d, with 15 more to go.
We agreed to help the three cats and appointments were made at a vet Kim has worked with and who has worked with us in the past. Sadly, on June 27 Sara went in for surgery to clean and close up her eye. There were complications with heavy bleeding. Her blood pressure kept going up each time she tried to wake up and the bleeding would start again. The most humane thing to do was to let her go so she didn’t bleed out. There has not been an update on Diana but we do know that Clyde, a polydachtyl, was seen by the vet and it was confirmed that he is totally blind in one eye. The doctor believed that Clyde was not in pain and felt the eye should be left as is and not removed. It didn’t take Clyde long to warm up to Kim and she hoped to find him a permanent home. RIP Sara. Unfortunately, this is only one of the overwhelming number of sad and complicated cases that exist in our communities. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080