Call 313-451-8200 on Monday’s at 9am and leave a message to request your appointment. We return calls in the order they’re received, until we’re full for the following week. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Call 313-451-8200 on Monday’s at 9am and leave a message to request your appointment. We return calls in the order they’re received, until we’re full for the following week. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/19/24 – Smudge is one of 3 kittens born to a cat left behind when the owners moved. Her rescuer, Melissa, was only able to get Smudge but will continue to try and capture the others. In that we had helped Melissa this past summer with another rescue, Cooper, she contacted us again for assistance. Smudge is only 8 weeks old so we had him go to Groesbeck Animal Hospital for his distemper vaccine and deworming. His next appointment will be at Patterson Veterinary Hospital when he is old enough for his neuter and snap test. Paws crossed the rest of the family can be captured. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/19/24 – While in the process of trying to trap another cat who was disrupting the colony, this little orange cat was trapped instead. Cheeto was taken to All About Animals where he was vaccinated, neutered, and, surprisingly had a bb removed from his groin area. I can only hope that karma visits every human who harms the most vulnerable — whether animal or human. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/18/24 – Spoke with the West Flint Animal Hospital yesterday and was told that the doctor and family decided on amputation. I’ll be touching base with the family to see how Dartanian is doing. – diana
UPDATE: 4 Paws 1 Heart Rescue has agreed to sponsor surgery for this sweet boy. Our prayers have been answered. God is SOOOO good! I’m thanking him for leading this baby to come to the right house, since he was ignored by anyone else who saw him. We are scheduled tomorrow at 8am for surgery so PLZZZ pray for him & his recovery. THANK YOU to everyone who offered to donate, to pray, along with everyone who made this possible. My heart is full & Im so happy for this boy!!! I will post updates on his progress.
Update on this sweet kitty that was dumped. On recommendation from the AAA vet we got X-rays done today at West Flint Animal Hospital & this kitty was either shot or hit by a car- his ENTIRE hip socket is GONE!! The broken pieces are floating around & he needs immediate surgery. He is in extreme pain. The vet said they can try to cut down the rest of the bone & remove the loose bone- if this is unsuccessful they will have to amputate the leg. I have reached out to Diana at 4 Paws 1 Heart to try to get help paying for surgery since she was kind enough to pay for the X-rays but I have not heard back yet. I am in need of a large to XL crate for him so he’s not moving around if anyone can loan me one or donate one I would be forever grateful! I’m going to reach out to every rescue I can to try to get him the surgery & if I am unable I will start a fundraiser. My heart is broken for him, he’s been suffering this whole time but I had no idea the injury was this extensive. He lays on his side constantly bcuz of the pain. Plz pray for this kitty He’s currently being loved-spoiled & doted over by myself & my 9 year old daughter who’s in love with him Huge thank you to Kat Voorheis & Shannon Pine for getting him into AAA which led to the recommendation for X-rays as well as Diana who paid for them. I’m praying for him & that I can somehow get him the surgery he needs.
GregnStef WilsonEmergency- Animals in Need of Rescue or Placement In Michigan P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/17/24 – It started in August, 2023 when we were contacted by Wendy who identified herself as an independent domestic and wildlife rescuer. She had just rescued a mom (Bonnie) and 3 kittens (Bella, Bryce, and Belle). The whole family had upper respiratory infections and she had already done everything she could do. Bryce had a botfly imbedded in his little body but Wendy was able to remove it. So, with our assistance, their journey started with a visit for their infections and a check up on the botfly removal. Shortly after being rescued and their first visit, Bella became very sick to the point of needing CPR, sadly, Bella died from pneumonia. That left Mom, Belle, and Bryce. They were all tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered but Bryce continued to have issues with congestion and drainage and on January 10 we authorized him to be seen for issues with breathing, congestion, and drainage. Prayers for Bryce. Wendy reported that, hopefully, Bryce will be available for adoption in February. Bella should be available this month. And, Bonnie is still semi-feral; Wendy is working with her in hopes of getting her completely socialized. Please e mail Wendy at: [email protected] – diana
P.S. Since this first case, we have helped Wendy with other rescues — you might remember Willow and her babies. If you don’t remember, check out her story on our website. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/16/24 – Sharing Dartanian’s update from the family who rescued him. Thank you, Stefani!!!! – diana
UPDATE: 4 Paws 1 Heart Rescue has agreed to sponsor surgery for this sweet boy. Our prayers have been answered. God is SOOOO good! I’m thanking him for leading this baby to come to the right house, since he was ignored by anyone else who saw him. We are scheduled tomorrow at 8am for surgery so PLZZZ pray for him & his recovery. THANK YOU to everyone who offered to donate, to pray, along with everyone who made this possible. My heart is full & Im so happy for this boy!!! I will post updates on his progress.
Update on this sweet kitty that was dumped. On recommendation from the AAA vet we got X-rays done today at West Flint Animal Hospital & this kitty was either shot or hit by a car- his ENTIRE hip socket is GONE!! The broken pieces are floating around & he needs immediate surgery. He is in extreme pain. The vet said they can try to cut down the rest of the bone & remove the loose bone- if this is unsuccessful they will have to amputate the leg. I have reached out to Diana at 4 Paws 1 Heart to try to get help paying for surgery since she was kind enough to pay for the X-rays but I have not heard back yet. I am in need of a large to XL crate for him so he’s not moving around if anyone can loan me one or donate one I would be forever grateful! I’m going to reach out to every rescue I can to try to get him the surgery & if I am unable I will start a fundraiser. My heart is broken for him, he’s been suffering this whole time but I had no idea the injury was this extensive. He lays on his side constantly bcuz of the pain. Plz pray for this kitty. He’s currently being loved-spoiled & doted over by myself & my 9 year old daughter who’s in love with him Huge thank you to Kat Voorheis & Shannon Pine for getting him into AAA which led to the recommendation for X-rays as well as Diana who paid for them. I’m praying for him & that I can somehow get him the surgery he needs.
GregnStef WilsonEmergency- Animals in Need of Rescue or Placement In Michigan P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
9/16/24 – It was late June, 2023 when I got the following e mail from a 4p1h friend whom we’ve assisted with many rescues, Kim T.:
“The trapping in Detroit has been very sad. Today I received word about 3 cats on the porch of an abandoned house in southwest Detroit. Their eyes were totally shut. We took in the 3 and treated them for upper respiratory infections and they recovered. But then we found dozens more in the house of broken windows, dead birds, and cats roaming in and out. We started to take the cats into All About Animals. Upon pick up we learned there were two females missing an eye and the sockets needed to be cleaned and closed. Then we picked up a third cat and his eye was sunk-in pretty far and looked smaller than the other eye. The other eye appeared to be partially blind. They are all estimated to be under a year old so they must be from the same litter whom never got help as kittens. These three can never be released. This is Sara, Diana, and Clyde. Clyde probably needs the eye that’s sunk-in removed; it’s very cloudy and pushed way back. With Sara and Diana, the eye is gone with the socket open and would require cleaning and closing. -Kim”
Kim asked if we could help with these 3 in that they had just had two recent surgeries, 12 cats recently TNR’d, with 15 more to go.
We agreed to help the three cats and appointments were made at a vet Kim has worked with and who has worked with us in the past. Sadly, on June 27 Sara went in for surgery to clean and close up her eye. There were complications with heavy bleeding. Her blood pressure kept going up each time she tried to wake up and the bleeding would start again. The most humane thing to do was to let her go so she didn’t bleed out. There has not been an update on Diana but we do know that Clyde, a polydachtyl, was seen by the vet and it was confirmed that he is totally blind in one eye. The doctor believed that Clyde was not in pain and felt the eye should be left as is and not removed. It didn’t take Clyde long to warm up to Kim and she hoped to find him a permanent home. RIP Sara. Unfortunately, this is only one of the overwhelming number of sad and complicated cases that exist in our communities. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/16/24 – Tiger was a neighborhood stray who Nicole had been feeding since this past summer. He recently showed up not putting weight on his left leg; she was concerned it was broken. When contacted, Nicole was advised that we would authorize a vet visit to File Mile Animal Hospital for examination and possible x ray. But, if the leg was broken, we couldn’t afford a specialist and if the leg had to be amputated, Tiger could never be released to the outdoors. Two days later, Nicole was able to get into the vet and reported this happy update: “Wonderful news!!!! It was “just” a bad abscess. They neutered him, its a boy… gave me cream and pain meds. He has to wear a cone for 10 days and go back for a second round of shots on the 3rd. I will continue to care for him, with the hope of finding someone to take him in.
Will keep u update, and oh my gosh, thank u again!!!-Nicole” – P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/15/24 – Sharing Stefani’s post. She had not yet received my response to her update after the vet visit. Here’s what I basically responded:
The doctor is being very generous and we will be authorizing the surgery as long as Stefani either keeps Dartanian or finds him a loving home. I’ll update when i get the answer. – diana
Update on this sweet kitty that was dumped. On recommendation from the AAA vet we got X-rays done today at West Flint Animal Hospital & this kitty was either shot or hit by a car- his ENTIRE hip socket is GONE!! The broken pieces are floating around & he needs immediate surgery. He is in extreme pain. The vet said they can try to cut down the rest of the bone & remove the loose bone- if this is unsuccessful they will have to amputate the leg. I have reached out to Diana at 4 Paws 1 Heart to try to get help paying for surgery since she was kind enough to pay for the X-rays but I have not heard back yet. I am in need of a large to XL crate for him so he’s not moving around if anyone can loan me one or donate one I would be forever grateful! I’m going to reach out to every rescue I can to try to get him the surgery & if I am unable I will start a fundraiser. My heart is broken for him, he’s been suffering this whole time but I had no idea the injury was this extensive. He lays on his side constantly bcuz of the pain. Plz pray for this kitty He’s currently being loved-spoiled & doted over by myself & my 9 year old daughter who’s in love with him Huge thank you to Kat Voorheis & Shannon Pine for getting him into AAA which led to the recommendation for X-rays as well as Diana who paid for them. I’m praying for him & that I can somehow get him the surgery he needs. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/15/24 – Your support and attendance at our events makes it possible to give so many stray animals a second chance at life. Xena is one of those who was fortunately rescued but she needs our medical assistance. Here is what her rescuer sent to us on January 10:
“Two kittens had been rescued with upper respiratory infections. The woman at the construction site gave them antibiotics and some sort of eye medication. The one kitten ended up healthy and has ultimately been adopted, but the other one, a female, appears to be blind in one eye, possibly not completely blind, but the eye tears quite a bit and periodically the appearance of the eye changes. It almost looks like her third eyelid is floating around in her eye, if that is possible. She also doesn’t breathe quite right, which makes me wonder if maybe she has a heart issue or perhaps her lungs didn’t develop properly or maybe even just damage from having had the upper respiratory infection for so long. She is approximately 4 months old and has been named “Xena,” since she is such a little warrior. Let me know if you have any available funds to have her eye and her lungs and heart checked out. She has been dewormed & treated for fleas and appears to be otherwise healthy under the circumstances. She just seems to be so appreciative to be alive. The appearance of her eye seems to change on a daily basis. Sometimes a vertical slit appears, usually in conjunction with the eye weeping tears. Hoping she will not ultimately need to have the eye removed. – Julie-Kitty Kat Rescue”
Prayers for sweet Xena who has her appointment January 18 at Orion Animal Hospital. I will keep you updated. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080