2/15/24 – Although 4 Paws 1 Heart is not a rescue and doesn’t have possession of the animals, we assist many independent rescuers who do not have the resources to promote a rescued animal after we’ve assisted with medical treatment. We host a page on Petfinder which is not available to individuals/non-501c3’s, a facebook page called Friends of 4 Paws 1 Heart where animals we’ve helped can be posted and promoted by their rescuer and lastly, the 4P1H Village Kittyroom at the Pet Supplies Plus store on 13 Mile and Harper in St. Clair Shores.
Our Board member, Dee Gudenau, who is very much involved in TNR, caring for cat colonies, and rescue when asked, saw the vacant room at the store, met with the manager, and magically she put together a Kitty Room with the help of those rescuers we’ve assisted in the past. There is also a donation bin at the front of the store for pet supply donations which are then distributed to cat communities and foster animals.
That is why it is named the 4P1H Village Kittyroom — the operative word being ‘VILLAGE’. It’s the product of 4p1h Board members, rescuers who want to promote their rescues, volunteers, and the store staff. All for the sake of God’s creatures who must rely on humans far too often for their survival. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

I can now post a huge thank you now that I stopped crying…. So very well put Diana it does take a village and we have one awesome village thank you to all. – DEE