2/22/24 – Smokey is one of approximately 16 stray cats being cared for by a kind woman on the west side of Detroit. Smokey has been on and off ill for the past month. He’s had bleeding paws and weight loss but then appeared to get well with antibiotics. But recently the bleeding started again and Smokey took up residence in a shelter kept on the finder’s porch. Roxanne, Smokey’s finder, took him to a vet where he was again treated with antibiotics but she couldn’t afford any additional treatment. She then contacted us. Smokey was seen yesterday by Dr. Mina, Five Mile Animal Hospital. Dr. Mina reported that both of Smokey’s paws were torn open and were severely lacerated and infected. Smokey was sedated and his paws were cleaned and sutured. Roxanne is hoping to find a home for Smokey. If you can help, please contact her at: [email protected] – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080