5/15/24 – Lana and Batman are members of a cat community where there is a significant issue with in-breeding resulting in deaths and serious illnesses including eye infections and cats being born with entropion (basically where the eyelashes, either upper, lower, or both grow into the eye). We recently helped Silas with an eye removal and he is doing great (first two photos). Another cat we tried to help ended up passing away. Unfortunately, the rescuer, Amy, tells us there has been many deaths within the community. And now, there is Lana and Batman. In late April, Amy contacted us about Lana and Batman. They have since both been seen by Dr. Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital, and both need surgery for entropion. Here is the diagnosis for both:
“Batman – Conjunctivitis in right eye, adhesion of eyelid to conjunctiva, and entropion of the eyelid. His eyeball is viable and can be saved. She said his right sinus and eye will not heal unless the eyelid is surgically repaired. He was given a snap test (neg -), Ears were dirty so she applied revolution (in case of ear mites, then tested a sample, no ear mites were found), gave med to clean ears.
Lana – conjunctivitis in both eyes, and entropion of the eyelids. Her eyes are viable and can be saved, but the entropian needs surgical repair. Continue with eye cream to help soothe, but it can’t heal without surgery. They shaved her matts, applied revolution, and gave ear meds.
They also got distemper shots. The doctor said when they come for surgery they will get the boosters. When they heal from surgery they can be adoptable and ok to be around other cats who are vaccinated. – Amy”
Their surgeries are scheduled for June 8. And again, please remember them in your prayers. – diana
Without your help we could not help Them.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080