Hoarding Cases, Mass Dumping, Contagious Diseases Amongst Stray Animals

6/26/24 – Unfortunately, most municipal animal control shelters/offices in our communities are not funded to do anything more than follow up on ‘complaints’. Very little is done to actually improve the situation — such as in hoarding cases, mass dumping, contagious diseases amongst stray animals, etc.

What is needed is funding for TNR and to stop assuming that because a good Samaritan decides to feed strays, they then become responsible for medical bills. Too much is left to the independent rescuers and rescue organizations who must rely on donations and work as a village with each other rather than the municipal organizations.

And, lastly, the low-cost clinics are overwhelmed with the need for spay/neuter and vaccines so necessary appointment are months out. A couple of weeks ago we were asked to help with a situation in which we thought there were just 12-15 cats who were ‘dumped’. Well, it turns out to be closer to 40.

Animal Control has been out on two occasions and warned the person who was feeding the animals and trying somehow to provide shelter but did nothing to make the situation better (such as spay/neuter/vaccinate). Many of the cats are very sick, a couple cats have required euthanasia, and they all require spay/neuter/vaccines.

And, in many cases, a place to go. We are doing the best we can to help in this situation as is All About Animals to help us keep the costs down. But this is about the 4th hoarding/dumping situation we’ve been involved with this year w/multiple cats being in similar conditions.

Here are some of the photos of cats being rescued in the most recent case with more photos to come. – diana

https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ Double your donation during our $1,000 MATCH which ends July 4, 2024. Thank YOU in advance for your help!

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