It was a beautiful Friday morning on August 8th. Playing messages off our recorder: the distress call was heard. An elderly woman in tears. A cat had crawled into her dog’s house with a metal leg trap attached to what was left of it’s le
g. “Please help” “This is an emergency” Immediately we called for a location. Palms road in Casco Township.
Words cannot express what we found. A beautiful grey cat with large yellow eyes staring through the dog house door. A rusted metal trap attached to its leg. Bone and paw with no flesh attached. Looked like a skeleton leg and hand. The cat allowed us to pet his head but as soon as we attempted removing him from the house he tried to get away.
So amazing that this cat still had the fight and will to survive with his severed limb and newly attached rusted metal ornament.
He was rushed to Wilson Emergency Clinic in Romeo. He was dehydrated, approximately a year old.
Dr. Shanti and her team quickly went to work to relieve him of his pain with medications. Feline leuk test negative. He was in dire need of fluids, antibiotics and his leg ( what was left of it ) must be amputated.
We discussed , as a group what was the most humane treatment. He could be a feral? The medical costs will be high, can we afford this treatment? We just treated a heartworm positive dog in our program and another that needed extensive dental work and tooth extraction.
As a group the decision came very easy. This cat has fought to stay alive for approximately a week dragging a metal leg trap. He is a survivor – he does not pity himself – he wants to continue living. How far did he have to travel to find refuge in this dog house. The pain he has endured unimaginable.
The woman who found him that morning – her tears for his pain – she cared enough to call for emergency help.
We named him Perseverance. Percy for short. We will work to raise funds for his medical care and treatment. We will do all we can to give him a chance at a quality life.
We will learn from this experience. We will build awareness in our community to all pet owners whose animals wander out in the countryside. Metal leg traps are legal, and they are lethal.
We will keep updates coming on his journey towards a pain free quality life.
A big “Thank you” to Dr. Shanti and her staff. When an emergency arises there is great relief in knowing where to go for help” ~ SNAP