WE ALL TRY – But Sometimes It Is Just Not Enough

8/24/14 – The Animal Welfare Society of Southeastern Michigan has been very kind to our friends and have taken in a few kitties rescued during TNR. I noticed that they needed help with the following, very sad and costly situation they are having with rescued puppies. Here is the story; we had to pay it forward and send them some medical dollars. Unfortunately two more puppies passed away since the original posting and there are only 3 remaining. RIP little ones and please say a prayer that Dr. Dawn of Dworkis Veterinary can save the rest:

“Our beagle/hound mix pups are very sick. We’ve lost 2 of the 8. They are now hospitalized at our vet. They do not have parvo but basically have all of the symptoms. They have a severe case of coccidia and we aren’t sure what else. They look like walking skeletons. They have vomiting and diarrhea, won’t eat or drink. So very sad. We are praying they all pull through. They look big in these pictures but they are really tiny and only weigh a couple pounds each.” ~ Animal Welfare Societyanimalwelfaresociety8:22:14

HERCULES – What More Can Be Said — We All Love Him

8/23/14 A little happiness for this Saturday morning — I think we all need it. Here’s our boy Hercules.  Thank You, Dr. Kern of Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation and Therapy for Pets and Dad, Chris.  xox – diana
“Hercules thought it would be a good idea to get outdoors for a walk to enjoy the beautiful evening. He walked a lot, went wading in the creek and practiced his climbing skills in his orthotic device. Looks like his plans worked out perfectly!” ~ Tari Kernhercules8:22:14-- hercules--8:22:14 hercules8:22:14 hercules8:22:14= hercules8:22:14===

BROWNIE – Could She Be a Havana Brown

8/23/14 – Good Morning Dear Friends! Everyone in rescue has confirmed that this has been a horrendous year for cats and kittens. Last night, this little sweetie was rescued by Nicole and Lisa of Warren. We made arrangements for her/him to be taken to Advanced Animal Emergency to be treated for what appears to be an upper respiratory infection. We will need a foster and rescue with hopes that he/she will be OK. Prayers Please, and if you can, help just let me know. ~ diana
8/24/12 – Brownie is doing good and is ready for her foster mom, Tami, to pick her up.  Brownie 8:22:14

Percy – Caught in a Trap

8/22/14 – Graphic Photos – Friends, the bad news is what happened to this innocent cat. The good news is that Percy is doing well after having his leg was amputated. I thank God that the Humane Society of St. Clair County/ S.N.A.P was ther See More
It was a beautiful Friday morning on August 8th. Playing messages off our recorder: the distress call was heard. An elderly woman in tears. A cat had crawled into her dog’s house with a metal leg trap attached to what was left of it’s leg. “Please help” “This is an emergency” Immediately we called for a location. Palms road in Casco Township.

Words cannot express what we found. A beautiful grey cat with large yellow eyes staring through the dog house door. A rusted metal trap attached to its leg. Bone and paw with no flesh attached. Looked like a skeleton leg and hand. The cat allowed us to pet his head but as soon as we attempted removing him from the house he tried to get away.

So amazing that this cat still had the fight and will to survive with his severed limb and newly attached rusted metal ornament.
He was rushed to Wilson Emergency Clinic in Romeo. He was dehydrated, approximately a year old.

Dr. Shanti and her team quickly went to work to relieve him of his pain with medications. Feline leuk test negative. He was in dire need of fluids, antibiotics and his leg ( what was left of it ) must be amputated.

We discussed , as a group what was the most humane treatment. He could be a feral? The medical costs will be high, can we afford this treatment? We just treated a heartworm positive dog in our program and another that needed extensive dental work and tooth extraction.

As a group the decision came very easy. This cat has fought to stay alive for approximately a week dragging a metal leg trap. He is a survivor – he does not pity himself – he wants to continue living. How far did he have to travel to find refuge in this dog house. The pain he has endured unimaginable.

The woman who found him that morning – her tears for his pain – she cared enough to call for emergency help.

We named him Perseverance. Percy for short. We will work to raise funds for his medical care and treatment. We will do all we can to give him a chance at a quality life.

We will learn from this experience. We will build awareness in our community to all pet owners whose animals wander out in the countryside. Metal leg traps are legal, and they are lethal.

We will keep updates coming on his journey towards a pain free quality life.

A big “Thank you” to Dr. Shanti and her staff. When an emergency arises there is great relief in knowing where to go for help” ~ SNAPpercyw:snap8:8:14 percy8:8:14


8/22/14 – This is What Keeps Us Busy and We Are NOT Even a Rescue — Let me know if you can assist. This 4 year old (unknown if male or female) was left behind by his owners! May be front and back declawed — and left outside if you can believe it! He or she is probably fixed. The neighbor is feeding him outside but is highly allergic and can’t bring this poor baby in. Who can stand the thought of a domesticated cat outside let alone a fully declawed cat. Please contact Jo at [email protected] Thanks, diana


8/24/14  Thank You, New Beginnings, for accepting this sweetheart into your shelter yesterday.  Anyone interested in making this baby your own, should check out New Beginnings. ~ dianaJoaddington8:22:14

All Seven Kittens Die from FIP – RIP Sweet Babies

8/22/14 – I am so saddened to report that we have lost all seven kittens. We lost three more in the last 24 hours and one of the three was found to have FIP. All of them have probably been dying from the disease and because there are no tests or preventions, we didn’t know until one of the babies showed signs — belly started filling with fluids. They more than likely caught it from their mom and at this time we don’t know who the mom is but will be on the look out in the neighborhood where these babies were found. Thank You for all of your prayers. Thank You to Amanda for taking on this very difficult effort — you are a Saint!. Thank you to the doctors from Advanced Animal Emergency and Cats Veterinary (we are proud to be associated with you) for consulting on this case and helping us with these babies. To all of our friends, please continue to pray for the welfare of the thousands of animals who continue to live their lives on the street with no one caring for them. Remember we can all make a difference — foster, adopt, donate, advocate. ~ diana


8/20/14 – HAPPY UPDATE: Daisy, the little Chihuahua brought in to our partners at Advanced Animal Emergency has been adopted. She is the victim of a foster failure. lol Her foster family decided they could not live without her. She sleeps every night with her human sisters. Thank you to all who were interested in this sweet girl. She looks absolutely beautiful. Without the financial support of our friends, Daisy would not be alive today. ~ dianaDaisyinhernewhome8:20:14 daisyw:aae8:3:14

Seven Kittens Found In A Storm Without a Mom

8/19/14 – This has been the day — Lisa T. calls about a lactating mom needing kittens. I put the word out to our rescue friends. Lisa T. calls about the black beauty kicked out of his home — God Bless our friends — we get three people interested in adopting/fostering. Then Debra B. asks for us to help find a foster/rescue for her two siblings so she start TNR next week. Then A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue calls to say they have 6 kittens needing a lactating mom — back to Lisa T. So now I’m ready to watch some DVR and another emergency call comes in. In the process of looking for an injured cat, our friend Denise N., foster to Waffle and Toast, found 7 few-weeks old kittens huddled in a corner in pretty bad shape after the storm. Thank You, Debra B. on the job to transport the babies and thank you Amanda, of Advanced Animal Emergency, expert in bottle babies. We decide the babies need to get to the emergency. They are in pretty tough shape with fleas, maybe upper respiratory, and just soaked. Debra is immediately leave to get the babies to the emergency hospital. Amanda and Denise will take on bottle feeding and another 4p1h friend will take on Waffle and Toast until Tigerlily takes over. Now anyone who has been able to follow this, gets a free kitten. Seriously, please pray for all of these abandoned babies (dogs and cats) who have done nothing wrong other than be born. Thank You all for your continued support. ~ diana


8/20/14 – Update on the 7 Kittens Found In The Storm: I just spoke with Amanda, at the Advanced Animal Emergency, and all seven babies are stable and doing well. They all have upper respiratory infections and the flea infestation is terrible. Thank God that Denise N. found them last night and that Debra B. picked them up and took them to the hospital. They would have never made it through the night. They are in good hands now with a great staff. They will be under medical treatment for a while so keep them in your prayers and if you have a few extra dollars, trust me when I say, we can use it. Thank YOU! Amanda promised photos as soon as she can get the fleas under control. ~ diana

8/20/14 – 7 Kittens in the Storm Update: I’m sorry to report that we have lost one kitten from respiratory distress. Thanks for your prayers and support. RIP little one, at least you were not alone on the street. xox ~ diana
7kittens--8:19:14 7kittens8:19 7kittens8:19:14

Samson and Delilah

8/19/14 – Let me just apologize if you are not a cat afficianado but, unfortunately, these babies just keep coming to us through our individual rescue friends and animal control officer. I have heard from a number of friends who are willing to foster and from New Beginnings and Animal House Rescues who will to take these abandoned kitties if we can match them up with a foster. So I’m asking, of the friends who told me you would be willing to foster, would you like to be matched with a rescue. Please send me your e-mail and let me know. On the other note. Delilah and Samson are two siblings around 8-10 weeks old who are with Debra B. to get a little more socialization. Debra says there are very sweet but scared. They were rescued from the streets and are just having some personal time. Again, please let me know if you can adopt, foster, or rescue. Thank YOU, diana ([email protected])


8/22/14 Update:  A friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart who also fosters for New Beginnings made arrangements to take in these sweeties to better socialize them and find them their forever homes.  Here they are in their new foster home with their photographer foster dad.  Thank YOU! ~ dianasamson and Delilah8:23:14 samsonanddelilah's new buddysamsonanddelilahw:debrab8:19:14