1/1/24 – Wishing all of our friends a year filled with much love, laughter, and good health. Here is another happy reminder of the magic of our Village:
Hello everybody, and Happy Almost New Year!!!
It’s my turn to tell you why 4 Paws 1 Heart is so near and dear to my heart.
It was the polar vortex of 2019, you guys remember that? It was horrible! Somehow my sweet self was all alone outside at night and I got hit by a car and dragged myself up onto somebody lawn. I laid and laid there covered in snow, in pain, soooo cold and frozen to the ground . The humans of that yard found me and were able to free me from my frozen torture and took me to the nearest animal control. In the morning when the very kind animal control officer came in and saw the condition I was in, she rushed me to the emergency vet. I couldn’t see, hear or move when I got there. My pelvis was fractured in two places and my teeth were rotting, I was so scared. The blindness and deafness were temporary and likely caused by shock and the extreme subzero temps. That wonderful ACO contacted Chances mom and she contacted Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart. The remaining emergency bill was paid and I was stable enough to be transfered to Dr. Zs. My family picked me up at Emergency and promised everything would be OK. Afyer 2 days at Dr. Zs I was able to move around with all the amazing medical care I recieved there. It was determined I was 12yrs old approximately and besides my fractures which would eventually heal on their own I very badly needed a dental which I soon recieved.
It took me a couple years to really come out of my shell from my trauma. But now I’m going to be 17yrs old! I’m happy, playful, and very much loved by Chance, the Gang, my family and 4 Paws 1 Heart. Becuse of the generosity of many kind donors and the swift thinking of my finders and one very amazing Animal Control Officer I survived a horrible experience to become a very loved, happy healthy furbaby.
Please donate so another animal in need can get the medical care and love they need and deserve. Thankyou, sweet dreams and….
Happy New Year!!!!! – Denise
Denise’s birthday fundraiser for 4Paws1Heart
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080