1/16/24 – Tiger was a neighborhood stray who Nicole had been feeding since this past summer. He recently showed up not putting weight on his left leg; she was concerned it was broken. When contacted, Nicole was advised that we would authorize a vet visit to File Mile Animal Hospital for examination and possible x ray. But, if the leg was broken, we couldn’t afford a specialist and if the leg had to be amputated, Tiger could never be released to the outdoors. Two days later, Nicole was able to get into the vet and reported this happy update: “Wonderful news!!!! It was “just” a bad abscess. They neutered him, its a boy… gave me cream and pain meds. He has to wear a cone for 10 days and go back for a second round of shots on the 3rd. I will continue to care for him, with the hope of finding someone to take him in.
Will keep u update, and oh my gosh, thank u again!!!-Nicole” –
1/15/24 – Sharing Stefani’s post. She had not yet received my response to her update after the vet visit. Here’s what I basically responded:
The doctor is being very generous and we will be authorizing the surgery as long as Stefani either keeps Dartanian or finds him a loving home. I’ll update when i get the answer. – diana
Update on this sweet kitty that was dumped. On recommendation from the AAA vet we got X-rays done today at West Flint Animal Hospital & this kitty was either shot or hit by a car- his ENTIRE hip socket is GONE!! The broken pieces are floating around & he needs immediate surgery. He is in extreme pain. The vet said they can try to cut down the rest of the bone & remove the loose bone- if this is unsuccessful they will have to amputate the leg. I have reached out to Diana at 4 Paws 1 Heart to try to get help paying for surgery since she was kind enough to pay for the X-rays but I have not heard back yet. I am in need of a large to XL crate for him so he’s not moving around if anyone can loan me one or donate one I would be forever grateful! I’m going to reach out to every rescue I can to try to get him the surgery & if I am unable I will start a fundraiser. My heart is broken for him, he’s been suffering this whole time but I had no idea the injury was this extensive. He lays on his side constantly bcuz of the pain. Plz pray for this kitty He’s currently being loved-spoiled & doted over by myself & my 9 year old daughter who’s in love with him Huge thank you to Kat Voorheis & Shannon Pine for getting him into AAA which led to the recommendation for X-rays as well as Diana who paid for them. I’m praying for him & that I can somehow get him the surgery he needs.
1/15/24 – Your support and attendance at our events makes it possible to give so many stray animals a second chance at life. Xena is one of those who was fortunately rescued but she needs our medical assistance. Here is what her rescuer sent to us on January 10:
“Two kittens had been rescued with upper respiratory infections. The woman at the construction site gave them antibiotics and some sort of eye medication. The one kitten ended up healthy and has ultimately been adopted, but the other one, a female, appears to be blind in one eye, possibly not completely blind, but the eye tears quite a bit and periodically the appearance of the eye changes. It almost looks like her third eyelid is floating around in her eye, if that is possible. She also doesn’t breathe quite right, which makes me wonder if maybe she has a heart issue or perhaps her lungs didn’t develop properly or maybe even just damage from having had the upper respiratory infection for so long. She is approximately 4 months old and has been named “Xena,” since she is such a little warrior. Let me know if you have any available funds to have her eye and her lungs and heart checked out. She has been dewormed & treated for fleas and appears to be otherwise healthy under the circumstances. She just seems to be so appreciative to be alive. The appearance of her eye seems to change on a daily basis. Sometimes a vertical slit appears, usually in conjunction with the eye weeping tears. Hoping she will not ultimately need to have the eye removed. – Julie-Kitty Kat Rescue”
Prayers for sweet Xena who has her appointment January 18 at Orion Animal Hospital. I will keep you updated. – diana
Although the weather is cold, the City of Detroit is Hot. The Wings won last night and the Detroit Lions won their first play off game since 1992!! What better time is it to join in the Detroit fun while supporting the lives of stray animals. Bring your family, bring your date, bring your co-workers for a night at Little Caesars Arena–a city within a city. If you do not pay through our paypal link, make sure you include your e mail address. I will send a confirmation e mail which will include parking and zamboni raffle instructions. Your knit cap will be given at the event and we will have a welcome table in the concourse area. Please contact me if you have questions and please, please, share. It’s critical that we fill the seats! – diana
Weather will be brutally cold with temps falling to a possible -1 through Wednesday.
Good shelter is critical for cats to survive and without frostbite.
If your cats don’t have shelter, please put something together now.
Best options: The Bideawee’s Feral Cat Initiative on demand webinar is long, but worth it!
Four options shown in the webinar. We strongly advocate for only one door and believe mylar does add effectiveness in preventing heat transfer through walls.
Building Shelters for Outdoor Cats on demand video by Bideawee’s Feral Cat Initiative Tutorial for building 4 different models at home. We recommend everyone who hasn’t built a shelter before, starts with this video to learn what you need to know. Then pick your model and start building!
1/10/24 – Juniper (now named Rascal) was found on the streets of Melvindale, MI. Juniper had a scar on his head, paw, and had an open wound on his neck. The finder’s brother could help with food and litter but neither to afford the medical. We authorized the medical (when it was found that Juniper was not a girl but a boy). Juniper was treated, tested, vaccinated and neutered at Five Mile Animal Hospital and although it wasn’t part of the plan, Juniper (now Rascal) became a close buddy to his finder and now has a furever, loving home. – diana
1/9/24 – We continue to assist with more cases than I have the ability to post. Throughout this month I will try to do some quick posts about those animals so that our many supporters and donors can see the difference they make in so many lives. One such case dealt with two feral moms who had babies. The rescue found homes for the babies but the moms were not yet socialized (if ever) but everyone needed their vaccines and spays/neuters, and — for the moms a fev/felv test. This is Lynx, Ash Ember, and Soot; River and Lynx; and River and Sleet. – diana
1/9/24 – Fiona, at 6 months old and 26 lbs., appeared to be crashing from parvo virus-like symptoms. She was surrendered to Streethearts Animal Rescue in order to save her life. This was January 6 and at this time her vitals are improving. We are thankful to provide a little help for her medical help and pray that she will beat this deadly disease and go on to a life of love and safety. – diana
1/8/24 – We hope to see many of our supporters. Saturday, January 20, (1-3 pm) is Paining With A Twist. The Board has donated wine, water, snacks, and apps. We will have a raffle for a few baskets and, knowing from prior experience, lots of laughts.
Then on February 29, we have the Red Wings Fundraiser and if you get tickets, you will be able to purchase raffle tickets for a zamoni ride at the start of the evening. Again, this will be a great night with lots of people who love animals and who enjoy Detroit Sports. Sign UP as soon as possible before tickets are gone. Tickets are on sale NOW!
1/8/24 – Thank you to our donors and those who attend our fundraisers. – diana
Hi!!!! It’s me Carla and it’s time for my story about why 4 Paws 1 Heart means so much to me
I came in March 2017 after the sweet ladies at the shelter reached out to Auntie Di and Auntie Di called mom.
So, I had a home when I was only 5wks old. Way to young to have been taken from my mama to begin with. Then the humans shut a sliding glass door on me hurting my spine. They waited 5 wks…FIVE WEEKS…before taking me to a shelter to be euthanized because I was dragging my body and not using my litter box, can you believe it?!?!? Well, the ladies at the shelter wasn’t having it and before you know it..I was at Casa Chance! 4P1H was there by my side throughout many challenges! I spent the 1st 2 yrs going to Pawsitive Steps just like Chance for rehab. Dr. Kern and the ladies did everything they could from exercise, massage, treadmill, laser, needles, I got my own wheels, mom did all the homework with me, gave me massages, used a home Tens Unit and although I made some progress, in the end it was decided I had made all the progress I was going to..the damage was just to much to overcome so we stopped my pt. I was still a very happy sweet mama’s girl and she helped me keep my muscles from atrophying and helped me do all my buisness.
Then one day mom noticed blood in my urine, off to Dr. Z! Holy cow, I got 15 bladder stones removed in surgery! Expressing my bladder and helping me poo was a bit tricky while I took the time I needed to heal. And I’ve been on prescription food ever since, wet and dry.
Good grief! What’s that??? MOM noticed a bump right by my eye and over a couple weeks it got bigger…off to Dr. Z again! Turned out it was a very aggressive form of cancer and Dr. Z kept me overnight to remove it right away. It was tricky and we were all scared becuse it was so close to my eye. Dr. Z did (as usual) an amazing job and my cancer has not come back! All these things were stacked up against me and without 4 Paws 1 Heart and their amazing donors I would not be here today, the beautiful, judgey eyed princess you see before you! Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for loving me soooo much, I love you!
Soooo, please consider donating to moms 10th Annual Birthday Fundraiser so that other innocent animals with the odds stacked against them like me can go on to live a happy, healthy life in a loving home.