10/10/22 – Although we need your help to keep going, I couldn’t say no to this beautiful pregnant girl who may already have a home. The finder believes she was left behind by her owner in that she is very sweet and kept trying to get into her home. She just needed a ‘wellness check’ which includes a test for fiv/felv. So I just couldn’t say “No” to be there for another orphan who will not have to live through a brutal winter.
P.S. The $2,000 Sweetest Day Match continues through this coming Friday, October 14. Don’t forget to post your fur sweetheart on facebook.com/4Paws1Heart when you donate. – diana.
A very dear friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart is in the hospital and has gone through several surgeries in just a few weeks. She is a huge animal lover and supporter of 4 Paws 1 Heart and right now her cousin and friends have been trying to find homes for her beautiful babies in that there is concern she will not be able to care for them when she finally gets to go home. Please, if anyone can take in Peanuts and give a loving home, please fb message Erika Robinson. Thanks
This is Peanut that we need to find a home/rescue/shelter or sanctuary placement for asap by October 16th no later than 21st.
Peanut is 11 years young. She’s never been around dogs in her 11 years of life. Peanut is a bottle baby Tonya raised. With this post I’m asking for placement until we can find out if Tonya will be deemed to take care of herself in the end prior to asking for any cats to be returned if that’s the case before cats stay in placements permanently. There’s unknowns. Some GBS survivors have fully recovered after 6 months. With 1yr baseline. Some don’t fully recover. Tonya is getting stronger daily. But her fingers on dominant hand are still semi weak with grabbing things. And left leg is heavy like a weight (this is the leg that was fully paralyzed in the beginning).
10/9/22 – The game that’s “Sweeping The Nation” is coming to St. Clair Shores all for the funding of medical treatment for stray companion animals. Learn about the fun and fast game that is a cross between bingo and cards but instead of wininng money each winner will win a gift card valued at a minimum of $25. The $20 wristband will include the games and food which will be donated by the generous owners of the Firehouse Pub and Grill (all current or former Detroit Firefighters). Start the Giving Holidays by helping those most vulnerable to the upcoming freezing temperatures.
P.S. If all goes well, we hope to make this a recurring event starting in January, 2023.
10/7/22 – Now is the time to honor your Fur Sweetheart during our $2,000 Sweetest Day Match. As you know, we are working hard to raise money so that we can return to helping the many stray animals who have relied on us for the past 12 years. Here is an update on Ranger Milo from his new mom which we received on October 4. We posted about Ranger Milo in early September. He was found full of something sticky, like syrup, and while trying to find his owner, the finder learned that the neighborhood had been feeding him for years but during those years he had been obviously in pain, suffering from Stomatitis.
“I wanted to give you an update on Ranger (Milo) since he had his procedure 2 weeks ago where they removed his remaining 19 teeth. He is doing so much better today than he was 3 and a 1/2 weeks ago when we found him. We can tell he is feeling much better as he’s starting to explore the house, learning how to play and just love every human and animal in the house. I took him yesterday for his 2 week check up and he still has some inflammation that could eventually require steroids for the remainder of his life to keep him comfortable but we’re going to see what happens when we take him off of it and put him purely on dry food. He is eating well and at this point it’s just a trial-and-error to see how to make him the most comfortable. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain but there is definitely some inflammation still in his mouth . We did get him microchipped in case he decides to go on an adventure. We are truly grateful for what your organization does for stray animals that allows us to make Ranger part of our family permanently. We couldn’t have done this without your support! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! – Courtney”
And I say, thank you to our many supporters for making a difference in the lives of so many orphans like Ranger Milo.-diana.
10/6/22 – During our Sweetest Day $2,000 Match. Who needs flowers, candy, or a fancy meal when so many cats and dogs are roaming the streets needing all of our help??
I’ve posted about our financial need and many of you have responded but we still need all of the help we can get. I talked about our past commitments which needed to be covered before we could continue as usual and Leiomy is one of those prior commitments. On June 24 we were contacted about a dog found on I-96 in Detroit. The rescuers thought she was healthy and asked if we could help with the ‘usual’ (spay/neuter, testing, vaccines) and we said “yes”. Unfortunately, we didn’t know that Leiomy would test positive for heart worm. We authorized the heart worm treatment which began on July 7 and yesterday she completed her treatment and is doing well. The owner of Comfort’s Place, which provided the treatment, told me that Leiomy is “Such a Sweet Girl”.
Only with your help can we continue to give these precious animals who have no one else, a second chance at life. – diana.
10/5/22 – It’s been a big day for this little girl who is still a little buzzed, but I wanted to post a quick update.
She has a rare diagnosis called nasophyrengeal stenosis, so basically her sinuses don’t drain normally because of the narrowing in the back of her throat. The snot becomes thickened because it has no where to go and therefore creates secondary bacterial infection. They believe this is a congenital abnormality, and inflammation from the chronic nasal discharge could have contributed resulting in more scar tissue.
The plan is to use endoscopy as a guide and widen the narrow stricture by inserting a balloon type instrument to create a larger opening. This will allow her sinuses to drain properly and prevent nasal discharge and infection.
The doctor believes there is a very small opening that exists, but if not they would need to create a hole. If we wait to long then we risk the existing hole close completely making the procedure more difficult to accomplish.
This balloon procedure might only need to be done once, or it could require additional attempts if the new scar tissue forms back over the opening.
OVRS currently doesn’t carry the balloon instrument needed to perform her procedure. They have to see if/when they can get it in, and if they cannot get it we might have to take Muffins ‘ to MSU.
Huge thank you to my amazing husband David Jenio for transporting her to/from the hospital, for being my support system, and for dealing with me every step of the way.
This has been a LOT and it’s not over yet…
4 paws 1 heart is committed to getting Muffins the care she needs and we are VERY grateful for those who have contributed towards her healing. We still NEED your help, so weather it’s a donation, returnable, gift card or raffle item, empties, food (her special food is about $90/month), or prayers.. please continue. – Gina
10/4/22 – Dr. Kern and her staff are the best!! Praying we get in lots of donations so we can continue to help the many kitties who don’t have a mom, aunties, and supporters like Chance does. – diana.
CHANCE: I had a great appointment at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine today. Dr. Kern and her staff are amazing! I remember Dr. Kern and all my friends and relaxed pretty quickly. Dr. Kern gave me a full exam and took all my measurements. Annnd I got to meet the lovely new vet (you know I gotta schmooze the ladies( Dr. MacDonell). She studied eastern medicine, so I get the best of both worlds! Dr. Kern gave me my acupuncture and my friend Cathryn gave me my laser. By the time I was all done I was so relaxed I couldn’t keep my eyes open! Dr. Kern thinks there’s a combo of things going on including my spine issues, lots of inflammation too. She wants me to come back once a week for now to get my acupuncture and laser. We need to get some Cosequin on board and possibly some herbal meds. Annnd Dr. Kern prescribed an Assissi Loop for me to take home. Moms going to treat me 15min…3x a day. The Assissi Loop is an amazing tool we have used before for me, Carla, little Billy and a few others. It increases blood flow, helps with pain and reduces inflammation. We’ve seen great success with it! I’m so thankful the donors of 4 Paws 1 Heart who made todays visit possible and so we were able to get my Assissi Loop. Please, please continue to donate. We know times are tough, but don’t forget…now through the 17th there is the Sweetest Day Match going on which will match every dollar you donate up to $2000 thanks to two wonderful angel humans!
Thankyou Team, watch for more from my appt today later tonight. With all of you, 4 Paws 1 Heart, Dr. Z, Dr. Kern & Dr. MacDonell I hope to soon be back to my old self in no time. I got a dream Team!
10/3/22 – At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services.
A lot of time, emotion, good and bad days, frustration, helplessness, hope and fear has been my every day since Muffins’ came into my life 13 weeks ago.
She was critical and probably wouldn’t have survived one more night outdoors…
I am grateful for all of the support and I’m trusting in the specialist for answers, so stay tuned for my update tomorrow night. – Gina
10/3/22 – If you’ve been following 4 Paws 1 Heart over the past two weeks, you will know that we’ve been on hold from new cases due to the lack of funds and our prior commitments. We had eye removals, dog/cat orthopedic surgeries, and dozens of cats being TNR’d with several individual projects. Then Muffins’ case became more complicated where we had already invested $1,000 in her care, and now our Feline Mascot, who all of a sudden started showing signs of a spinal condition will require more tests and exams and the need continues — broken tails, broken legs, and severe wounds — not to mention the continuing need to get all of these stray dogs and cats spayed/neutered/vaccinated.
Gina DeLuca Jenio held a facebook fundraiser for Muffins which was successful but we don’t know if that will be enough. Chance just began his journey. Our supporters have been trying to help through donations and we are grateful but the need continues.
And then two angels came to us with the offer to each match donations up to $1,000 — So we are starting a $2,000 Honor Your Fur Baby Sweetest Day Match which begins today and will run through October 14. When you make a donation, please post a photo of your fur baby on our facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/4Paws1Heart/ and then share our posts and ask your friends to do the same as well as comment on the post. We need to expand our reach and only with your help can we continue.
This is Patty. She is 6 months old and was rescued during a recent TNR project at Twin Lakes Golf Course where so far 17 cats have been trapped, vaccinated/spayed/neutered. The GREAT news–after Patty was spayed, vaccinated, and tested she was posted on our Petfinder site and she now has her FUREVER home. This is how we all make miracles happen. Thank YOU for your Support! – diana.