3/2 Update

Claudia is knuckeling under with her other front leg. Now we suspect there might be more going on. We dispensed 7 days of pain meds and want her to have strict crate rest. We are not going to jump into amputation without knowing that it is the cause of her pain. The rescuer will keep us updated. Gina

Claudia is one of the several requests for help we receive daily. She was from a litter of 3 females born outside and homeless. A kind woman stepped up to bottle feed all of them while noticing right away that this kitten had a deformity in the front paw. That didn’t stop Claudia from thriving but she is in pain, and not putting weight on that foot anymore. We offered to have her examined by one of our doctors at Moore Veterinary Hospital. She had to be anesthetized for a complete exam and radiographs. The doctors feel that she is hurting from maybe jumping and landing on that foot. Right now we tried a pain injection and rest to see if she feels better, but after an update today, it sounds like she is still in pain. Claudia is very small and pain med options for cats are limited. We are suspecting that she may need amputation of that paw to give her comfort, but she is still so little. We are working on figuring out a plan. If you would like to help please go to this link and put her name in the notes. I’ll update once we know more. Thank you! Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/28/24 – Tux showed up at the finder’s house, very friendly and very hungry. We authorized him to be seen at Groesbeck Animal Hospital where the doctor discovered that he had some severe wounds on his leg and that he had a slight upper respiratory infection. Tux’s wounds had to be stitched, he received treatment for the infection and he was neutered. His stitches will be removed in 10 days. Yesterday his rescuer, Alicia, contacted me to say that Tux is doing great although not crazy about the ‘cone of shame’. We offered to promote Tux on our courtesy petfinder site as well as our Friends of 4 Paws 1 Heart in that he may be looking for his furever home in the near future. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/27/224 – Unfortunately, although we had hoped otherwise, 2024 is starting off the same as last year — far too many animals needing heart worm treatment, limb amputations, and eye removals. As well as just the ‘regular vetting’. Here are six kitties, some of whom came from hoarding homes that all need some level of medical assistance. Meet Lucy, Sally, Charlie, Bubba, Snowbilly, and Mouse. Some have already been spayed/neutered but need vaccine boosters, some need the ‘works’ (spay/neuter, vaccines, fiv/felv tests, and fleas treatment). They are all being treated today at All About Animals Rescue and will be available for adoption through Sheri H. at: [email protected]

I don’t know what thousands of animals, found on our streets, would do without clinics like All About Animals Rescue, The Paws Clinic, Comforts Place, and the Humane Society of St. Clair — all low-cost clinics that operate with grants and donations and play an integral role in our rescue communities. – diana

Please consider a donation today. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/26/24 – Tony is a 6 month old kitten who was born to a rescued mom kitty in an independent foster home. He unfortunately became very sick recently and found his way to the wonderful team at Orion Animal Hospital. Tony was emaciated and actively dying when he arrived there, his temperature was low, his liver was shutting down, and he was face down in his blankets that day. His bloodwork showed several major issues including a dangerously low white blood count and evidence supporting a diagnosis of both bacterial.infection and FIP. Because of his dire condition, Tony was moved to a medical foster home and was treated with multiple antibiotics, GS treatment for FIP, heat support, syringe feeds, and multiple medications for nausea. Today, he is 5 weeks into his FIP treatment and he is off all antibiotics. He has gained a significant amount of weight, and he is thriving and doing all of the wild kitten things again. He is a true warrior and we are so proud of his incredible progress as well as the amazing Village who once again came together to save this baby.

Here are some photos of day one, a few days in, and current, so you can see his progress. – diana

Your Donations Save Lives!! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/2524 – Prayers for Grisette and her foster mom. – diana

MOM: Well, we have a visitor. You may recognize Grisette! She is the kitty you help with special food, recently diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer and she is now a hospice kitty. Grisettes foster mom loves Grisette sooo much but is currently unable to care for her, we are praying that changes very soon. Grisettes medical will continue to be paid for by 4 Paws 1 Heart. Meanwhile, we will be caring for Grisette and giving her all the love and care she needs until she can be reunited with her mom. Please keep them both in your prayers. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Sweet tiny terrified little Kluka was trapped after her rescuer saw she was very injured and in need of help. Part of her tail was cut off and infection had set in. Yesterday we removed 3 vertebrae from her tail leaving her with a tiny nub and we spayed her. We estimate her age to be around 8 months. She will eventually need a home. Thank you Moore Veterinary Hospital for getting her in right away for the care she needed. If you would like to help Kaluka our link is P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/23/24 – Miggy was rescued from a corner where his finder had been seeing him for quite some time. He is very sweet but was very neglected although at one time he had been TNR’d. He was taken to one of our partner vets where he was treated for an infection. Unfortunately, his mouth is still infected and his gums are very inflamed. We have authorized his continued treatment and continue to hope that his finder, Bonita, can find him a permanent, loving home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080